News Archives

2003/2004 ITF Online News Archives

December 2004 ITF News

December 30, 2004

There is a saying that to enhance performance, identify great performance and reward it.

That is exactly what Taekwon-Do Central has been doing since 1996, two years after the organization formed.  Taekwon-Do Central is located in Germany and is led by 4th Degree Robert Borja.

The concept was to have an annual award recognition program by which a student was jointly voted by fellow students and the head instructor.  The student was to be selected based on the five principles of Taekwon-Do.  The program was also to be a vehicle by which the overall group’s performance was to be enhanced; and it has.  Students quickly learn not only that  every class counts, but also the actual performance made.

It the past years, the winner received a beautifully engraved trophy and a recognition certificate with the US President’s signature.  This year the certificate was replaced with the Taekown-Do Encyclopedia summarized Red Book by Taekwon-Do’s Founder General Choi Hong Hi, translated into German.

In the first 5 years the title was won by black belts.  In 2003 the trend was broken when a 14 year-old, black stripe (1st Gup) female student won.  In 2004 the hard-fought title was won by the 10 year-old, red stripe (3.Gup) Henrik Pricken.  It was particularly unique as he was the youngest and the lowest ranking to ever win this title. 

Photo: Head Trainer Robert Borja, Hendrik & family members.

December 29, 2004

Singapore INO Visits the Fist Tower

Clockwise from left: Er Guat Keow, Clement Goh Ren Hao, I Dan;  Jonathan Shenglong Sun, III Dan;  Mr. Daniel Sng C.H. VI Dan; Jules Takagishi, and Bela Schweiger

Singapore became the first INO to visit the Fist Tower on Jeju Island. INO President Mr. Daniel Sng C.H., VI Dan, and Team Singapore paid homage to the Fist Tower on 20 October 2004, the day after the closing of the XIII Senior World Championships.

Team Singapore left the motel in Daejong very early on 20 October to catch the short flight to Jeju.

“It was very important for us to make this trip because we wanted to visit the birth place of Taekwon-Do,” said Mr. Daniel Sng, who insisted that the fist stop in Jeju after checking into the hotel to be the Fist Tower.

We were lucky that our bus driver in Jeju was a Taekwon-Do practitioner himself, as our tour guide had never heard of the Fist Tower before.  

After a few phone calls, the bus driver took us to a Taekwon-Do dojang where an instructor got into his own car to lead our bus to the Fist Tower, situated next to Nongdam pond in Sangmori. The surrounding area is an open space amidst agricultural lots.

Jonathan Sun against the setting sun in front of the Fist Tower

There are no major buildings in the area, and without the Fist Tower, the founding place of the 29th Infantry Division, where General Choi Hong Hi first taught Taekwon-Do, would have escaped even an enthusiast’s eyes. For this, we have Mr. Kang Ho Nam to thank, who persevered for 14 years to restore the monument on 2 November 2000.

We also take this opportunity to once again thank our driver and the Taekwon-Do instructor of Jeju Island. Though both the driver and the said instructor are not of our ITF group, it was a wonderful experience for us to overcome politics and affiliations albeit for a short while, in the name of our commitment to the same martial art and same founding father.

It so happened that we had two red belts in our group, who had just learned Hwa Rang, where its 29 movements refer to the 29th Infantry Division, making our visit extra special.

You are lucky to visit the Fist Tower just when you learned Hwa Rang. I am a VI Degree – look how long it took me to visit this place!” said Mr. Daniel Sng to the two red belts.

Disregarding the curious stares of the occasional passers-by, Team Singapore performed Hwa Rang in front of the Fist Tower to pay homage to General Choi and the birth place of Taekwon-Do.

General Choi’s powerful hand in the calligraphy appearing on all three sides of the tower gave a sense of renewed vigour and encouragement to all of Team Singapore to continue with their training and discipline in pursuing the art we love, Taekwon-Do.

Written by Jules Takagishi, Team Manager, Team Singapore

© Island Taekwon-Do Centre 2004


About Island Taekwon-Do Centre 

Founded on 31 March 1992, Island Taekwon-Do Centre is dedicated to the study and training in Taekwon-Do, as taught by General Choi Hong Hi and Master Choi Jung Hwa, in promoting fitness and disciplining both the body and mind for increased self-confidence. Classes are open to children and adults.

The Chief Instructor, Mr. Daniel Sng C.H., VI Degree, has over 35 years of training in Taekwon-Do and is an international instructor, Class A Umpire, and examiner. Mr. Sng is also the President of INO Singapore.

December 28, 2004

As the New Year draws near, for many it is time to choose resolutions.

For trainers and group leaders in Taekwon-Do, worthy of consideration is the message preserved in a Time Capsule, marking the start of this Millennium, from Taekwon-Do’s Founder, Gen. Choi Hong Hi:

“It is my earnest desire that Taekwon-Do should retain its original concept and techniques for many generations to come.”

Photo: Portrait, letter to future generations, and distinguished service medal

provided by Gen. Choi Hong Hi for the Millennium Time Capsule.

Other invited prominents who participated were Dr. He-Young Kimm, Founder & President of the World Han Mu Do Association and then IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch.  Among other note-worthy contents of the Capsule were a bag glove signed by boxing great Muhammed Ali and memorabilia provided by WTF.  Among other magazines, TaeKwonDo Times printed an article about this Millennium Time Capsule.

The Millennium Time Capsule is buried in a fortress building called the Wedding House, atop a hill in Eschwege, in central Germany.  The plaque marking the site reads in both German and English, “Millennium Time Capsule.  Sealed at the start of the 3rd Millennium as time bridge of friendship and culture.  May be opened and re-sealed every 50 years.  Items may be added, not removed.”

By knowing his message, we are better able to guide our training, events and organizations towards Gen. Choi Hong Hi’s desired legacy.

On behalf of Taekwon-Do Central, we wish you and your organizations a rewarding new year.

Robert Borja

IV, Leader

Taekwon-Do Central

December 22, 2004

A New Year’s Message:

I am very proud of our accomplishments as an organization this year. We are blessed to have an active membership that has worked hard to fulfill the dreams of my father, General Choi and our membership at large. We have traveled to many countries and continued perfecting our skills as martial artists. I have heard from many of you with respect to where we are and the direction we must go to build our organization. We have tried to meet these objectives over the last year and will continue working as an organization to achieve even more in the upcoming year.I am particularly proud of those that attended the World Championships in South Korea. For the first time since 1972, we as an organization went to the birthplace of Taekwon-Do and demonstrated to our brothers that we are martial artists and are part of the Taekwon-Do family. No one would have dreamed that we would have accomplished this by 2004, yet, for those that dared to dream, they made the dream a reality for all of us!

This past year has seen a great deal of turmoil around the world. As an organization, we believe in building a more peaceful world through Taekwon-Do. It is our hope that the new year will bring a renewed effort to seek non-violent solutions to disagreement. Within our cities, we must strive to teach Taekwon-Do to all those that are interested because we know, as martial artists, Taekwon-Do can make a difference in everyone’s life. It is my hope that all of you will reaffirm your belief in our tenets and teach them to your students not only with words but with action and commitment. It is our role as martial artists to inspire each other to achieve our dreams!

On behalf of myself, and the entire administration I would like to extend to everyone my best wishes for the holiday season and the hope for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year for everyone.

Yours in Taekwon-Do

Master Choi, Jung Hwa

December 21, 2004

Please Note From ITF Administration

The administration office for the ITF will be closed for the Christmas Break from December 24, 2004 until January 3, 2004.

December 7, 2004

IUTF Celebrate 10 years of Development in Korea

The Irish United Taekwon Do Federation was founded in 1994 by Mr. Don Dalton (6th Dan) along with his senior students Mr. John Riordan (5th Dan), Mr. Jason Moriarty (4th dan) and Mr. Shane Fitzgibbon (4th Dan). From that first meeting the small group of instructors set out to achieve something special in Taekwon Do circles in the Republic of Ireland. In ten short years the IUTF has grown to become Ireland’s largest Taekwon Do association, with more schools to open shortly. From the very start the IUTF targeted specific goals and set out to achieve and better them with unbreakable spirit. Thus small local competitions grew into large regional events within a short time. The IUTF national team was initially drawn only from the original school of Mr. Dalton in Tralee. Now members invariably come from all around the country. The Irish United Taekwon Do Federation is the only association in Ireland which annually runs three regional competitions (Munster, Leinster and Connacht Championships) as well as a Universities Championships and Open Irish Championships. In addition there are smaller club and inter club competitions running throughout the year. IUTF teams travel to international competitions at least five times each year. These trips are subsidized by up to 80% by the national association. This situation is unique in Ireland. In the last five years alone members have competed in such far away countries as the Gambia, Canada, Argentina, Korea and Iran. Competitors and instructors have had to opportunity to experience and appreciate new cultures, make numerous new friends and to further develop the special bond of friendship which exists within the group.

 In 2002 the IUTF joined the International Taekwon Do Federation and a new era was ushered in. According to Mr. Don Dalton (IUTF Chairperson and Senior Team Coach) “we had wanted to be a part of the ITF for a long time and it was the INO system which was critical in allowing us to achieve this dream. Since that time our members have won gold medals in such ITF events as the Junior World Championships, the Master Choi Cup, the ITF/NAG German Championships, the PUMA British Championships and many more. At the World Championships in Korea we won gold medals in men’s heavyweight and hyperweight sparring as well as two Junior sparring gold medals and numerous silver and bronze medals.  We also won five separate team bronze medals which is fantastic for a country with less than four million people. We have had the chance to make wonderful new friends and host seminars with prominent ITF instructors such as Master Wheatley, Master Nicholls, Mr. Sahota and Mr. Martella. We have also trained on a number of occasions with Master Choi and this fantastic opportunity has motivated our instructors to no end.” The association hosts a minimum of four seminars with international instructors each year and also runs annual summer camps, instructor, referee, child protection and first aid courses. A group of instructors are sent abroad each year for a 7 day training course (3rd Dan and above). The last trips have been to Germany, Turkey and Tunisia.  In addition weekly squad sessions are held in various venues around the country.

 In 2004 the federation has a professional back up for all members and instructors (four of the five ‘Executive Committee’ are full time instructors).  The executive committee is now aided by a number of Standing Committees, which advise and carry out tasks on behalf of the Executive Committee. These include: (a) Child Protection and Medical Committee. (b) Internet/Technical Committee (c) Expansion Committee (d) Sponsorship/Promotion Committee (e) College University Committee, (f) Technical and Ethical Committee and (g) Tournament Committee.

 According to Mr. Dalton, “At the beginning of the year the Executive Committee set out a 12 month programme which would make 2004 special for our members. The pinnacle for us was the opportunity to return to the home of Taekwon Do for the World Championships. We travelled with 27 competitors for our first ITF World championships and 17 of the team travelled home with medals (and most with more than one). The last decade has seen an inexorable rise in the good fortunes of the IUTF; however it is our aim to continue to improve. We need to. Our association is built on friendship, respect and an unbreakable love for the art. As long as we remember these traits we will continue to flower. I would like to thank all the instructors for the tremendous work that they have undertaken in the last ten years. I believe that the next decade will be even more fruitful and I look forward to working hard together guided by the tenets of Taekwon Do and our President Master Choi Jung Hwa.”

Mr Sahota Seminar
Senior teams at the World Championships

November ITF News

November 29, 2004

TAC Western Canadian Championships a huge success

On Saturday November 27, 2004 The Taekwon-Do Association of Canada held its Western Canadian Taekwon-Do Championships. The tournament was a tremendous success. Clubs from all over British Columbia and Alberta traveled to Merritt, British Columbia to compete for chance to attend the upcoming 2005 National Championships to be held in Ottawa, ON on the weekend of March 27 and 28, 2005.

TAC Clubs in Attendance consisted of Lightning Family Martial Arts from Calgary Alberta, Lightning Family Martial Arts from Millarville Alberta, Orion Taekwon-Do from Edmonton Alberta, Family Taekwon-Do from Prince George, BC, Cascade Taekwon-Do from Merritt, BC, and Westcoast Taekwon-Do from Victoria BC

The competition began with the Black Belt and advanced  divisions. Competitors from Calgary, Edmonton, Prince George, Merritt, and Victoria all competed in the exciting event. The Jr. and Sr. Black Belt and Red Belt Competitors faced off in patterns and sparring. The Black Belts put on an amazing performance with some outstanding sparring matches and pattern demonstration by all of the competitors that day.

Lightning Family Martial Arts Demo Team put on an entertaining demonstration prior to the commencement of the color belt competition which began shortly after the Black Belt and advanced divisions concluded.

Teams were selected for the upcoming TAC National Championships to be held in Ottawa, ON in March of 2005. 3 teams were chosen to be sent to represent Western Canada. The following athletes were chosen.

Junior Girls’ TeamJunior Boys’ TeamMens’ Team
Sydney Bull
Destiny Dornbusch
Lisa Wilcox
Erin Bull
Brie Pettigrew
Elliott Stillings
David Wilcox
Carlos Nguyen
Stuart Goodfellow
David Doctor
James TosoffJ
ordan Boudreau
Trevor Pearen
Adam Siray
Alex Doulis

The Day Concluded with the Jr. Boys/Jr. Girls and Men’s Power Breaking Divisions. The entire day was a great experience for all of the competitors and instructors.

Taekwon-Do Association of Canada

October ITF News


During the course of the last two years, among its many other objectives, the ITF has worked to accomplish three goals:  to organize an INO in South Korea, to reintroduce ITF Taekwon-do to its birthplace and host a World Championship in that country.

Each objective in and of itself would be difficult to accomplish with any certainty in a given time frame.  No one honestly believed that these objectives could be accomplished in such a short period of time.  It has however happened.

In 2003, we announced the creation of an INO in South Korea which was marked by the visit of Mr. Morningstar and me to South Korea.  I have just returned to Canada after ten days where I along with over 1200 people witnessed the triumphant return of ITF to South Korea with the advent of our 7th Junior and 13th Senior World Championships.  The dream has become a reality.

The ITF has never been stronger.  Since the Congress held in Rimini, there have been changes to the membership of the ITF.  We have seen some familiar faces leave; some old faces return and many new faces arrive.  What has been interesting is to watch those that have either returned or come to the ITF for the first time.  They have brought with them a renewed spirit for the martial art that is untainted by many of the issues that plagued the old administration.  They have revitalized the existing membership and added a new dimension to our organization.

Participation in the World Championships from countries such as Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and the United States has added a new flavour to international competition.  With these added countries and there strong representation, to win in this international competition you had to demonstrate a world-class quality of Taekwon-do.

ITF in Korea was relatively unknown.  It was interesting to watch however, the reaction of the spectators both at the Championships and on the streets when they saw it being practiced.  Many recognize it as a martial art distinct from WTF which is seen as a sport. When asked, I was surprised to hear from many that they actually knew the difference between ITF and WTF.  Given the amount of press coverage, it was also clear to us that there are many people interested in finding out more about us.

In an interview for a Korean newspaper, I was asked whether it was my belief that ITF and WTF could co-exist in South Korea.  I reminded the reporter that they were both born of the same parents and much like two children growing under the same roof, they are distinct and individual yet, related to one another.  They are both of the same blood.   As such, I believe that the ITF has a great future in South Korea along side WTF.  In fact, as many of you know, ITF does not prohibit its members from belonging to other organizations including the WTF.  In fact, we presently have many members that belong to both.

What is our future in South Korea?  Our future is to continue to grow and develop the martial art in its birthplace.  It is to demonstrate that ITF, as a martial art belongs in South Korea, that it is a martial art and not a political tool of any government.  It is the hope of our President that future events can be hosted in South Korea so that we can bring to South Korea the true practitioners of our martial art and celebrate its rich history in the land from which it came.

ITF administration is presently seeking the support from the South Korean government to host a Festival next year where practitioners of Taekwon-do will come to its birthplace and celebrate all aspects of the martial art and sport of Taekwon-do.  Can this dream also become a reality?  Our President, Master Choi, Jung Hwa believes that it can.  He is of the view that regardless of whether you practice Taekwon-do as a sport or martial art, it is important that you practice Taekwon-do.  To showcase the two in a forum where we can come together to celebrate our differences is a dream worthy of pursuit.  Many will be skeptical as to whether such a dream can materialize.  For those that are skeptics, watch, for those that dare to dream, remember that is it through striving to implement our dreams that we bring about innovation.  I look forward to another challenging year of working along with all those that dare to dream.

I know the day will soon come when I can write about the success of the Taekwon-do Festival celebrated in South Korea.


Michael Tibollo


Please see below for President Master Choi, Jung Hwa’s and Vice President Mr. Michael Tibollo’s opening addresses at the Recent World Championships in Daejon City, South Korea.

President Master Choi, Jung Hwa’s Opening Address

I would like to begin by congratulating all of the National Champions for earning the right to attend these historic World Championships. Traditional Martial Artists understand that the root of each art is with its people, the people whose culture and environment shaped the art.  Our dream was to see Taekwon-Do displayed back in its birthplace. Today I am proud to tell our many practitioners, we have done it.

When I see my Taekwon-Do brothers and sisters, I see a diverse group, yet there is familiarity in all of them, a common element that shines through in all activities, a way. This is the “Do” we all follow. During this competition, although emotions will run high and competition will be intense, it will always be remembered, we are Martial Artists first and Taekwon-Do is a Martial Art.

This is a special time for me personally, not just as the President of the International Taekwon-Do Federation but as a Korean. While the rest of the world has learned of Korea, its people, its history and its culture through the ITF, the ITF was not visible in Korea. Despite the success and growth of the ITF Internationally, there was never a moment where this duty was forgotten. Now, as Taekwon-Do practitioners, we have done our duty, my brothers and sisters have brought Taekwon-Do to the land of my ancestors, finally, we are all together again as it should have always been and will now forever be.

Taekwon-Do is yours. Treat it well.

Vice President Mr. Michael Tibollo’s Opening Address

Grandmasters, Masters, Senior Instructors, Competitors, Invited Guests, Students, Friends

Two years ago, our President, Master Choi, Jung Hwa spoke of a dream where one day ITF Taekwon-Do would return to South Korea. AT the time it seemed an impossible dream and yet a dream worthy of pursuit, Through the hard work of many people all over the world after 32 years absence we have fulfilled that dream. This event, the 7th Junior and 13th Senior World Championships in South Korea are proof that  any noble dream worthy of pursuit can become a reality through hard work and perseverance.

This event hosted in the birth place of Taekwon-Do is historical because we bring with us to South Korea the legacy of the founding father of Taekwon-Do, General Choi, Hong Hi. We return to South Korea the orthodox teachings of Taekwon-Do and restore it to its proper place in history. WE are all here bearing witness to this historic event.

Our organization as many organizations in the past has experienced its share of difficulties, hardships. attacks and losses. Notwithstanding adversity it has continues to grow through the strength of its members that have dared to stand up and be counted for what is right. The fact that in two short years we have achieved this goal is evident of that dedication.

The fact that small minded critics have attempted to sabotage this event is evidence of two facts:

FIRSTLY: we have made our statement and it has been heard. Those that have failed to equal us or exceed beyond us now seek to depreciate and destroy. Their actions against us are merely confirming our success.

SECONDLY: our organization is made of many, attempting to block or deny one of us of our duties will simply give rise to someone else stepping forward to complete the task.

The ITF is a democratic organization made up of many people from around the world that share the same dream. We all speak in unison when we say “that which is good or great makes itself known – no matter how loud the clamor of denial. That which deserves to live-lives”. ITF lives here and in over 120 countries around the world. As an organization we believe that through our actions we can build a more peaceful world. At times in history such as the present in a world where politics and religious zealots threaten to undermine our human existence it is reassuring to know that through our spirit of competition in Taekwon-Do we can come together and build bridges which transcend politics, religion and ethnicity. We have grown as an organization not by seeking to destroy, cleanse or purify those that do not see the world through our eyes, but rather we work with them to develop bonds where mutual respect allows us to celebrate our differences.

We are gathered here for the next 6 days to celebrate our “DO”. Through the representation of over 40 countries and approximately 1000 competitors representing different languages, customs, cultures, and traditions, we are showing those that would choose confrontation and war that there is a peaceful option.

To our athletes remember that life is a source of experience to be lived up to not something to be survived through. Enjoy the competition with the spirit with which it is intended. Some will leave with medals some without. Regardless of the outcome, through your participation you have demonstrated your passion for the martial art and your support for our return to South Korea. For this you are all champions and the experience you gain here will be another achievement in each of your lives

Finally, to our organizing committee, especially Mr. Oh: words cannot adequately express our gratitude for your perseverance and dedication to the martial art. You have made possible the return of orthodox Taekwon-Do to South Korea. All of us will be forever grateful for all that you have done.

May your hearts remain brave and pure to the martial art of Taekwon-Do.

May your hearts remain brave and pure to the martial art of Taekwon-Do.

We will be updating shortly with news and photos from the recent World Championships as well as results. Please see below for the recent Senior Promotions and Appointments as per ITF Administration


We take great pleasure in announcing the following senior promotions to VIIIth degree:

Master Trevor Nicholls (UK)
Master Robert Wheatley (USA)
Master Roy Oldham (UK)
The ITF  acknowledges the valuable contribution made to the Federation by them and unreservedly congratulates them on their deserved promotions.

The promotions were announced at the conference held in Daejon City, South Korea on 14th October 2004

Executive Appointments
The ITF is pleased to announce the following executive appointments, announced at the ITF Conference in Daejon City, South Korea on 14/10/2004.

Secretary General of the ITF:
Master Trevor Nicholls VIII

Special Assistant to the President:
Mr. Parm Rai VI

Master Robert Wheatley VIII
Master John Tompkins VIII
Master Fabian Nunez VII

Technical Committee:
Mr. Mike Morningstar VI (Chair)
Mr. Parm Rai VI

August ITF News

August 19, 2004

Please See the following Downloadable files regarding the Upcoming World Championships.

World Championships Booklet

World Championships Info

July 16, 2004

Teacher’s Day Celebrated in Nepal

As per the tradition, students of different field honored their teacher. Banepa ITF Taekwon-do Dojang Branch of Taekwon-do Federation Nepal too celebrated it by honoring teachers and worshiping Teacher (guru puja).

Offering bunch of flower in the picture of founder of Taekwon-do Late General Choi, ITF President Master Choi Jung Hwa and Master Ally Thoe (Master instructor of ISD-105 Nepal)

In the last of the program Mr laxman Basnet was honored by Rajmandir Shrestha, Vice president of Banepa Taekwon-do Dojang, with offering shawl who had bagged first internationla medal from ITF Taekwon-do. Mr Basnet who Bronze Medal in the ITF Championship Malaysia 2004. At the program Mr Basnet had made clear about Late Gen Choi , ITF Taekwon-do and upcoming events National and international.

At the program secretary Ramraja Dahal, Legal Advisor Mr Yogananda Sapkota and other Taekwondo related persons were present.

Please see below for a report on the recent LTSI 1st open championships held in St. Albans on the 27th June 2004The day started out nice and early, with everyone expected to be there at 08:30. As so often happens at these events, it never quite runs according to plan. So everyone who was gathered out side Greenwood Park Community Centre, bathing themselves in the warm morning sun, was called into the hall at about 08:50.After, moving chairs around and everyone getting seated, we were ready to start. The day started with the Black Belts, doing their patterns first. All competitors were on fine form, and threw themselves into their patterns. Staying with the Black Belts, next was sparring. Lots of high kicks and punches, fists and legs flying in all directions. All in all an impressive sight to see. Finally moving onto destruction. Each competitor had to break a red board using a hand technique, jumping back kick and a jumping 360 degree kick.After a short break it was onto the junior patterns. Next was the junior sparring. Onto senior (16+) patterns. This division was a tough one. You could see the look of determination and concentration on all the competitors faces, and I’m sure the judges had a tough time deciding who would go through to the next round. Never the less winners were found, while the rest of us sat and watched, willing our friends on.

Onto senior (16+) sparring. This was a hard division, for both males and females. Though they fought separately. I must admit that I was impressed with a lot of the competitors. Watching them dart around the rings, slipping in the odd side kick and turning kick, even a flurry of punches. There were a few minor injuries, the odd nose bleed, but nothing too serious.

Onto senior (16+) destruction. Not many competitors took part in this division, but those that did gave it everything they had with

Finally onto King of The Ring. About 23 competitors battled it out in the ring, wearing no belts to identify what rank they were. It was a 2 minute bout, or until 5 points was scored by one of the competitors. This slog fest went on until Mr S. Anslow of Rayners Lane, claimed the title of ‘King of The Ring’.

This was a most enjoyable day, and I am certainly looking forward to the next one

Article by 4th Kup Craig Morris of St Albans L.T.S.I.

June ITF News

June 30, 2004

Reflecting on the past; training in the present; laying the groundwork for the future!

Greetings Master’s, Instructor’s, and Fellow Taekwon-do Practitioner’s,

On behalf of myself, and Dr. John Szostek, we are pleased to invite you to share in an once-in-a-lifetime Taekwon-do milestone…the 50th Anniversary of our beloved art.  On April 11, 1955 it became “official”. 50 years later, the legacy continues. Please join the USITF, and the President of the ITF, Master Choi Jung Hwa, in celebrating 50 years of Taekwon-do development, refinement, and progress.

On April 8, 9, and 10, 2005, the Sheraton Atlantic City Convention Center, located in Atlantic City, New Jersey (USA), will play host to some of the most dedicated Taekwon-do practitioners in the world. Will you be there? The celebration will consist of: a 3-day International Instructors Course, a 50th Anniversary Banquet Celebration, and an Advanced Black Belt Examination.

By July 1, 2004, registration forms, hotel booking informationand payment options will be made available. Based on the expected attendance (we have had a great International response already), all registration forms/payment must be received by January 1, 2005. The cost of the event is $300 (U.S.), and includes the 3-day International Instructors Course and the Celebration Banquet. Additional seating for the Banquet is available at a per person cost of $60 (U.S.).

For more information please contact me via email at [email protected], or by phone at 862-216-0697. We look forward to sharing this Taekwon-do milestone with you.

Yours in Taekwon-do,

Nick Malefyt, USITF


June 26 2004.

The Unified Taekwon-do Association held their first  patterns seminar on the 26th June 2004 in Hitchin Hertfordshire UK.It started at 9.30am with a warm up and then had four groups with three coloured belt grades in each of the three groups and one black belt group. Each group had two Instructors teaching, first all the fundamentals and then moving on to the patterns for each grade. The seminar was fast moving and vibrant lots going on and lots of learning. All the 63 students enjoyed the morning and felt they had really learnt a great deal, the seminar finished about 12.50pm with a group photo. Hopefully this was the first of many events being organised by the UTA, earlier this year the UTA had its first tournament with over 80 competitors. The UTA is a non-profit making organisation dedicated to give the best it can for its members. 

June 19, 2004

Genting Highland, Malaysia- Nepal’s Laxman Basnet has been able to bag a bronze medal in a catagory of Blackbelt Free Sparing in an ITF championship held in Malaysia from May(29-31)-2004. . Over 600 participants from Malaysia, Singapor and only Mr. Laxman Basnet from Nepal had taken part in the championship.

This is the first International Medal won by any Nepali since the establishment of ITF( International Taekwondo Federation) in Nepal in 1998. A twenty nine year old Mr. Basnet is the founder President and chief Instructor of Taekwondo (ITF) Federation Nepal (ISD 105). After the demise of General Choi ( Father of Taekwon-Do) in 2002, it was internationally divided into three parts. Amongst the three, General Choi’s son Master Choi Jong Hawa is the present President of the ITF whose headquarter is in Canada. Taekwondo Federation Nepal was formed in association with one of the above mentioned branches of divided ITF.

Mr. Basnet and Instructor Rajmandir Shrestha had been earlier invited by the Malacca Taekwondo Association as a chief guest and a guest to mark the association’s anniversary on Jan-31, 2004. On the occasion Mr. Basnet and Instructor Rajmandir were promoted to third and second degree black belt respectively by President of Malacca Taekwondo Association and ITF Master Ally Thoe. Mr. Ally Thoe is the present advisor, examiner and Master Instructor for Taekwondo Federation of Nepal .

For more details about Laxman Basnet ( )

June 15, 2004

Please see below for several Updates….

1. A Letter from Susie Richards, ITF Press Secretary

2. A Letter from Master Tompkins regarding Taekwon-Do Curriculums

3. A report and Photos from Master Choi’s recent visit to Russia and Belgium from ITF Vice-President Mr. Michael Tibollo

4. A recent article from an Australian Taekwon-Do Magazine featuring an interview with Mr. Michael Muleta

une 15, 2004

Please see below for a letter from Susie Richards, ITF Press Secretary…

Dear ITF Members,

Promoting our schools and events is a very important part of running a martial arts business.  Success or failure often teeters precariously down a very narrow path.  We must make every effort to take advantage of all promotional opportunities.  This however cannot end at the local level.  The ITF schools must also be given National and International exposure.

We have an excellent opportunity with the Tae Kwon-Do Times magazine. I have worked with the magazine in submitting ITF articles since 1992.  I will be working for Master Choi coordinating our reports.  We are hoping to have these submissions located together in the magazine.  I will be submitting these “packages” to the magazine before each deadline.  If you are comfortable writing you own article, this is wonderful!  I will make as few as changes as possible, hopefully none, to what you have written.  If you are not comfortable we now have a standard press release form for you to use.  Just fill it out and I will put it in the proper format for the magazine.  Instructions are on the form form is available from the downloads section of this site – webmaster ).  

Any questions feel free to call me any time.  386-673-7122 or 386-527-5122 cell.   My e mail is [email protected]  but I make no promises there.  Sometimes I don’t look at it for weeks.  I’m looking forward to hearing from all of you and really promoting our ITF events.  

Susie Richards

June 15, 2004

Please see  Below for an important letter from Master Tompkins TaeKwon-Do Curriculums for The International TaeKwon-Do Federation and the Twenty First Century.

For a very long time, stumbling along on the lessons of pain, punishment, and dangerous training techniques, the ITF, using the Russian ballet system of survival of the fittest, turned out excellent athletes and martial artists. Many of these martial artists and athletes had not a clue as to why what they did work, let alone how to teach it. Those individuals bringing the Rok Marine style of training and the older Korean culture to The USA, found perpetual trouble, both financially and many times criminal trouble also.

Master Choi, Jung Hwa desires to change the direction of our teaching standards in the ITF. Many successful curriculums are working in the world today and it is his wish to collect as many of them as possible.  A committee of educators, successful club owners, and INO leaders can then begin to work at refining and developing the best ideas from these curricula. These Ideas, blended with the moral aspects of TaeKwon-Do, a blending drawn from the work of the research committee and other contributors can form the foundation of an official ITF curricula.

If successful, the ITF has a marvelous resource for all our instructors.

There is much at stake here. Many organizations have already begun this journey and some have strayed into the world of money in, belt out. They have done so in an effort to make a living from the martial arts, calling most traditional schools too hardcore and in many cases, they are right. Therein lies the problem, how to balance a good curriculum, turning out  students that have acquired both the physical and the spiritual aspects of TaeKwon-Do, with the need to create enough volume in your school to earn a good living.

A curriculum, aimed at age strata, from the tots to the grand parents combined with the spirit of TaeKwon-Do is beneficial to all. Good school management has to be a part of good curricula in the modern gym and the committee forming up will try to help in all areas.

The criteria for sending the curricula are below. I have agreed to act, as a collector, and will correspond with all respondents to this message. I am not multilingual and request all correspondence to be in English, please.

By e-mail attachment in a Microsoft, word document or adobe PDF format.
By regular mail in the form of a CD Rom containing a digital document

If you wish to post it on a special password protected web site, I can the download it to my computer.

E-Mail:  [email protected]   Website:

Phone 660-291-5363   Fax 660-291-5804

June 15, 2004

Please see below for a report and photos from Vice-President of the ITF, Mr. Michael Tibollo on Master CHoi, Jung Hwa’s recent Russian and Belgium Seminars.


History continues to be made by Master Choi as he travels through Brussels and Moscow teaching orthodox Taekwon-Do as originally taught by his father. 

The last time General Choi visited Brussels was in 1968.   Master Choi has come in the name of Taekwon-Do to continue his father’s legacy and hard work.  His historic three day seminar in Tervuren, Belgium had in attendance more than 125 black belts including Masters from all over Europe.  In attendance were Taekwon-do practitioners from Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, and Switzerland.

The host for this event was Ms. Siraut.  She, her husband and students made sure that everyone was comfortable and well looked after for the three days.  Their indomitable spirit was evident in their attention to detail and attendance on their guests.   The seminar was intense and reviewed the finer points of Taekwon-do.  In addition to perfecting their skills, students had an opportunity to listen to Master Choi discuss the importance of a moral culture in our martial art.  He spoke of the long family tradition in Martial Arts and the need for every student to remember the words of his father, our father, General Choi Hong Hi.  Master Choi, like his father, wants to continue to spread the teaching of orthodox Taekwon-do without the influence of politics.

Those in attendance were also reminded of the important role they play in the lives of their students.  Instructors are role models and accordingly, must practice what they teach and set the standards for behavior and morality.  The true Taekwon-do practitioner must distinguish genuine spirit for the martial art from ulterior motives.  They must look deep within themselves and set the standard that others follow.  The world is filled with people who profess to be leaders but in fact, very few are prepared to lead and assume the responsibility that goes with leadership.

The Masters and students were invited to a reception at City Hall with the Mayor, Sports Director and Finance Director for Tervuren on May 22, 2004.  Master Choi was presented with the key to the city by the Mayor.  The Mayor was pleased to have us in his city and extended an invitation for Master Choi to return and perhaps even hold a major championship in his city.

May 22, 2004 was also a special occasion for Master Choi.  It was the day he turned fifty!  We all had the pleasure of celebrating his birthday with him.  While we all laughed and smiled with him, you could not stop to ask yourself why he does all this and sacrifice so much.  His dedication to Taekwon-do is evident at times like this when I am sure he would rather be at home with his wife and children.  It also exemplifies the dedication his father had for the martial art when he put Taekwon-do ahead of his health and even family.  Clearly, Master Choi’s dedication was instilled in him by his father and the art of Taekwon-do will be safe while under his leadership!

On May 23, 2004 after a full day of teaching, and testing, our flight departed from Brussels for Moscow.  It had been a grueling three days, but we left satisfied that we had accomplished a great deal.  Our family continues to grow, be strong and act cohesively.  We flew all night and arrived in Moscow at 7:00 AM.  A quick coffee and it was into our next seminar!

Mr. Lazos Tsilfidis organized a one day seminar in Moscow for students from all over Russia, following a 3 day national competition and selctions for the upcoming world championships.  In attendance were students from the regions of Ussuriysk-Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Stavropol, Habarovsk, Ulan-Ude, Krasnodar, Volgograd, Kabarda and Karachaevo-Chervessa.  In addition, there were individuals from Azerbaidjan, Uzbechistan and Georgia.  It was clear during the seminar that the students were well prepared technically and it was a pleasure for Master Choi to work with them even if it was without sleep!  Their dedication to Master Choi was also clear when one student announced that he had come from Habarovsk, more than 11 hours by air for this one day seminar.  Several students tested successfully and received there new ranks.

The trip to Moscow also gave the opportunity for Master Choi to meet with Master Liguy to discuss the preparation for the World Championships in South Korea.  We are all looking forward to the Senior and Junior World Championships which will be taking place in the birth land of Taekwon-do.  In less than two years, Master Choi has succeeded in making one of his father’s dreams a reality.  It has been as a result of the dedication of all his supporters that this dream has become a reality so quickly.

Master Choi was also invited to the offices of the Sports Ministry in Moscow.  He had the opportunity to meet with various officials and discuss with them his vision for a united Taekwon-do where those that wish to practice it as a sport can belong to the same organization as those that practice it as a martial art. It was enlightening to hear that in Moscow, the various groups are required to work together regardless of affiliation.

Throughout this journey, there has been a great deal of excitement building toward the Senior and Junior World Championships to be held in October in South Korea.  Our organization continues to make preparation for this historic event and look forward to seeing everyone there to be a part of it.

Special thanks to Mr. Howes for accompanying us on this difficult trip.  His dedication and skill is much appreciated.

Michael A. Tibollo

Vice President

May 31, 2004

June 15, 2004

Australian INO President, Michael Muleta appears on the front cover of the current issue of Australasian Taekwon-Do Magazine, including the first of an exclusive and extensive two-part Interview, running over 8 pages, about the state of ITF in Australia, as well as Internationally.

He talks about Master Choi Jung Hwa, the formation of the ITF, the ITF foray into South Korea, General Choi Hong Hi’s personal effect on him, and many other interesting topics.

Below are just some excerpts from Part 1 of the interview

On ITF in South Korea:

” It is of major significance that our ITF World Championships this year is in South Korea for the first time ever in ITF. We now have many schools in South Korea and have made great inroads there.

The potential, some say almost certain, loss of the Olympics for Taekwon-Do from 2008 may create an interesting scenario though, particularly with ITF also in South Korea now and attracting increasing corporate and government support there.

I don’t think WTF / ITF mergers are the way to go, as the two forms of Taekwon-Do are quite divergent in their approach, syllabus, competition rules and basic ideology. “

On the ITF:

“ One thing that has always got up my nose is the abundance of people that call themselves ITF members, despite not being in the organization, and many never have been. I suppose I am passionate, and even biased, in this regard because unlike most International Instructors and even some Masters in Australia, I have been ITF since the first day I did Taekwon-Do until today.

Some do this because they know that the ITF name gives them some credibility and marketability, others because they are lead to believe that they are in the ITF when they’re not. The ITF name and the ITF logo should belong only to its members, and should only be permitted to be used by its members.”

“ People forget, or perhaps don’t realize, that ITF is not a style, it is an organization. General Choi formed the Chang Hon form of Taekwon-Do, and created the International Taekwon-Do Federation as an organization.

Just performing Chon-Ji pattern does not make you ITF.”

On Master Choi Jung Hwa:

“ Almost all ITF practitioners have regarded Master Choi Jung Hwa as the future leader of the ITF, well the future is now the present. …Master Choi was railroaded because he stood in between the future of ITF for it’s members and the future plans of the DPRK ITF faction. Of all the people who will readily tell you that Master Choi was ‘kicked out’ of the ITF, not one has been able to actually say why….. This rubbish about Master Choi betraying General Choi is absolute folly.”

“With me, there was no doubt in my mind that I was going to fully back Master Choi, not merely for personality reasons, but largely on principal. I believe in his views and aspirations for the future of ITF, I find he is a great communicator who is not afraid to take advice or suggestions on board. And by the same token not afraid to speak his mind and give it to you straight down the line.”

“ ITF is Australia has suffered by poor leadership and has been left behind in the areas of Organizational professionalism and structure. We also had a serious deficiency in administratively skilled personel at an executive or committee level. Those who ran the National Body tried to own the National Body and fill all positions with their own students.

My key objective in creating United ITF was to correct this situation, and to make the ITF a respected and professional organization within Australia, and we have made great inroads in this regard in such a short time…… My vision is for an administratively efficient and inclusive organization, which is self-sufficient and re-establishes a position of prestige and respect for the ITF within the martial arts community.

I see the organization as being an educative conduit for students and instructors, rather than just a sporting body. “

On General Choi:

“ General Choi introduced me to a lot of technical concepts ….. (but) the biggest lesson I learnt from General Choi had little to do with technique. At a time when some senior instructors saw me as a threat to their own organizations, and tried to make ITF life very difficult for me, General Choi gave me the greatest support and advice….His very words were, “I see you at every seminar, and I never see them, that’s when I see who the true ITF people are.’

This support gave me the greatest confidence and courage in subsequent years to stand up against corruption without fear of retribution. I have always since seen myself as ITF ambassador first and a club instructor second. ….I will be forever grateful to General Choi for his faith in me.”

It’s a must read issue. Part 2 will be released in July.

The full transcript will be available online soon at

June 4, 2004

Please see below for an recent article on Mr. Fabian Pini in the Magazine “Yudo-Karate”

“Tan vigente como el primer día”

Fabián Pini, practicante, competidor, instructor, entrenador..

La carrera de este sexto dan en el estilo ITF ya cumplió 25 años y es rica en vivencias, puesto que incursionó en ámbitos de los más variados. Hoy tiene a la vista múltiples proyectos, y todo indica que en su historia todavía quedan muchas páginas por escribir. Fabián Pini (37) se desenvolvió exitosamente en todas las facetas que ofrece el taekwondo: se destacó como competidor internacional, director técnico del seleccionado argentino y formador de campeones, ya que entre sus discípulos se encuentran varios de los mejores juveniles de la actualidad; fundó su propia asociación- la Taekwondo Universal-, ocupa funciones de jerarquía dentro de la TAA, dirige el ITF que representa a master Choi Jung Hwa en Chile y Perú. Y muy importante, sigue siendo después de tantos años un dedicado practicante. Lejos del letargo y con más energías que nunca, este veterano del taekwon-do está a punto de enfrentar un nuevo desafío: volver a ser el entrenador de la selección argentina que intervendrá en el Mundial de Corea del Sur este año, puesto al que se postulará junto a José Maidana, como adelantó a YK.

¿A qué edad comenzaste a entrenar Taekwon-do?

– A los 12, con Nam Sung Choi, en el gimnasio de Sucre. Mi padrino ya entrenaba con él, pero en la galería Alvear. El fue quien me animó a tomarme el tren y el colectivo para llegar desde San Martín hasta Belgrano. Esto fue en 1977 y con Nam entrené hasta el ’81. con el me gradue de primer dan

Pini tomó varios cursos internacionales del general Choi. Hoy está alineado a la ITF de su hijo Choi Jung Hwa

¿Tiene filiales en el exterior?

– En Estados Unidos está el segundo dan Claudio Digenni. Yo además en Chile dirijo el grupo que representa a master Choi Jung Hwa, que tiene como cabeza a Alvaro Gaglianno, tercer dan. Hago lo mismo en Perú, donde hay varias asociaciones, como la de Raúl Silva, quinto dan, Ximena Arellano, cuarto dan y Andrés Peña Vázquez, tercer dan, quien enseña en la localidad de Chiclayo. Ellas dependen de mí, entonces cuando los visitó hacemos actividades conjuntas, cursos, seminarios, y participo de los exámenes. La Asociación cuenta con mas  de 50 filiales en argentina

¿Que funciones cumplís dentro de la estructura de la TAA?

– Soy director del grupo Buenos Aires y junto a José Maidana nos encargamos de las graduaciones de danes hasta segundo, colaborando en esta labor con el maestro Galárraga. Esta es una entidad muy funcional, en la que existen grupos especializados para todo. Por ejemplo hay directores de jueces y árbitros  del circuito Nacional de competencia. Sin embargo, cada torneo tiene su organizador; en el caso de mi entidad  yo estoy acargo del Torneo Bonaerense.

Además no hay miramientos con respecto a las graduaciones…

– Eso me parece que es una de las grandes diferencias, y por qué no, ventajas de los torneos de la TAA, que se diferencian del los demás por su prolijidad y orden. Muchas veces la gente que dirige tiene menor graduación que uno, pero tenemos claro que cada cual, según capacidad y cualidades, tiene una función que cumplir. No vale imponer el grado de manera prepotente ni mucho menos, es cuestión de trabajar en conjunto. Las reglas son iguales para todos y me parece bárbaro que funcione así.

En la India dirigiendo a la selección juvenil con José Maidana lograron el premio Overall al mejor equipo masculino y femenino

Vos también formaste a muchos campeones internacionales…

– Mi última presentación formal fue en el Mundial de Corea del Norte, en la que obtuve un tercer puesto en formas. Después, con un poco de suerte y gracias a la experiencia que le transmití a mis alumnos, siempre que llevé a un competidor conseguimos estar en el podio. Ahora llega el Mundial de Corea del Sur, que me parece va a ser de lo más grande que vivió el taekwon-do. Yo solamente estuve en Corea del Norte, y ahora, tener la posibilidad de conocer la otra parte me parece muy importante.

¿Y en calidad de qué la conocerías?

– Como entrenador de la selección nacional junto a José Maidana, con quien ya trabajé en dos oportunidades y nos fue muy bien.

 En el último nacional gané con los dos equipos que presenté, femenino y masculino, y me siento muy bien en la función de «coach».

Que potencial tiene este grupo argentino en el Mundial, que seria un tercio del total…

– Mira, te voy a hacer un poco de historia: desde el 90′ para acá siempre que viajó un equipo nacional, e! 50% de la gente era de la TAA. Te digo más, el taekwondo argentino nunca ganó lo que conseguimos con José. Nosotros logramos el premio Overall en la India a mejor equipo juvenil masculino y femenino y lo volvimos a hacer en Argentina ’99. En ese mismo Mundial, con adultos
logramos medallas de oro en varones y mujeres, además de las de plata y once, y dejamos al país en segundo lugar. Por eso, no vamos a ir un tercio.

¿Seguís enseñando?

– Claro, en mi gimnasio, que está en Tropezón, y en la Municipalidad de 3 de Febrero. Además hago boxeo, pero como «hobby». Me gusta mucho el combate, por eso cuando me convocaste para pelear en el Homenaje a los Maestros, me preparé seriamente.

May ITF News

May 22, 2004

Happy Birthday Master Choi, Jung Hwa!!

May 11, 2004

Please See below for a report on the recent Canadian Mens Team Training in preparation for the upcoming World Championships in Daejon City South Korea by Scott Seguin, Canada Team Member

2004 Team Canada Training

May 8 & 9, 2004

On Saturday May 8, the six-man team representing Canada at the 2004 Taekwon-Do World Championships assembled at 9:00 am in sunny Calgary, Alberta at the Lightning Family Martial Arts Centre.  Excited to be attending the first training, the team’s mood was reflected by the beautiful weather.

Under the instruction of Mr. Chris Howes, men’s team coach, the team began their warm up.  The combination of the grueling calisthenics and the high altitude had the team members breathing and sweating heavily.  The first order of business was team patterns.  Although the team represents both Eastern and Western Canada, the members performed their patterns incredibly similarly.  This is a complement both to the high quality of instructors across our nation and to General Choi’s design of Taekwon-Do, where individuals of diverse background can still perform techniques similarly.  The team seemed to mesh so well in fact, that despite that it was only the first practice, Mr. Howes had already decided that Ge Baek would be the team’s designated pattern.  In addition, Mr. Howes also introduced some clever choreography that with additional practice will make Team Canada quite impressive and a force to be reckoned with.

After three hours of patterns, Mr. Howes allowed a break for lunch.  Although thoroughly exhausted, the team members remained positive, motivated by their outstanding performance.  Then it was on to further physical exercise at the Talisman Centre, a beautiful and impressive workout facility where Mr. Howes tested the team’s endurance and their spirit.  The team members performed admirably!  The first test was a 1600-metre run, where any team member who didn’t finish before the pace setters had to perform 30 “burpies.”  The next test was for each team member to race every other team member in six 100-metre sprints, with the loser of each race having to perform more burpies.  The final test was for each team member to perform 60 leg raises.  Although some team members struggled more than others, there was enough cheering for even the most exhausted team member to complete the exercise.

That evening, the team reassembled at the Tokyo Gardens for a social dinner that allowed the members an opportunity to get to know one another.  The sashimi was fresh and the sake was hot and each member had a fantastic evening… at least until they received their bill!  Everyone agreed that there is no better way to build camaraderie than training along side another Taekwon-Doist and then later going out for a fun night on the town with them.

The next morning it was time to move into the third aspect of training: sparring.  The six team members, along with a number of “special guests” met again in the morning, a little sore, but nonetheless still with a glint of determination in their eye.  Again, under the direction of Mr. Howes, the team warmed up with some light calisthenics and stretching and then moved into some light free sparring.  Fully stretched the team was finally ready to begin their sparring exercises.

In pairs, each team member faced off against another team member for a point sparring match.  Although the newly formed team had come to respect each other from the previous nights’ activities, there were no pulled punches or kicks in the ring.  The members clearly demonstrated why they had been selected as representatives of Canada for the upcoming Worlds.  The bloody lips and noses, and sore and creaking ribs are a testament to the intensity of the matches.

After a two and a half hour workout of almost straight sparring, each team member was more than ready to move onto the next and final aspect of training: breaking.  First, we needed to determine who would perform each break.  After some very impressive breaks (and some impressive techniques that didn’t break) Mr. Howes selected which member would perform the required breaks.  The last portion of breaking was special technique.  Again, after much practice and some almost death-defying jumps, a team member was assigned to each break.

With the signs of exhaustion clear on the competitors’ faces but that glint no less strong than on Saturday morning, Mr. Howes called an end to the team practice.  After a short recap of the events of the weekend it was time for the team members to go their separate ways.  It was decided that the next team training was to be held in Oakville, Ontario and would be set for the same weekend as “The Battle of Tong-Il,” a competition hosted by Mr. Craig Myers in Oakville.  For those planning on attending the competition in June, look out for these competitors, wish them luck, and help them to train hard for Korea.

As a final note, on behalf of the team, I would like to thank Mr. Howes for agreeing to lead the team.  His knowledge, ambition, and imagination truly make him a great leader.  Secondly, I would like to thank the other members of the team.  It was great to spend some time getting to know each of you and I am honored to fight along side you in our quest for gold in South Korea.  I look forward to training with you again in June.

Go Team Canada!


May 5, 2004

ITF-Online would like to welcome ITF Japan as a new INO to the International Taekwon-Do Federation.

April ITF News

April 23, 2004

Please see below for an article on the formation of a new ITF group in Ireland

It is with great pleasure that I announce the foundation of a new ITF affiliated Taekwon-Do group in Ireland. The new group called NATIONAL TAEKWON-DO IRELAND, is dedicated to promoting the art of ITF Taekwon-Do and the teachings of our late, great founder General Choi. In February of this year, four students of TKD, two of whom were brothers and two of whom were friends (neither pair had ever met!) embarked on their respective journeys to establish a new TKD group in Ireland free from politics and dedicated to the art of TKD. All though they had never officially met, each air held some things in common, most noticeably, both trained and graded under the watchful and knowledgeable eye of Master Trevor Nicholls of the Imperial Tkd Association. Coincidentally both had contacted Master Nicholls around the same time to put to him their ideas of the new group. That month Master Nicholls happened to be traveling to Ireland to conduct a Black Belt grading, both the friends and the brothers arranged to meet Master Nicholls. Un be known to both, the friends and the brothers traveled to Cork to meet with Master Nicholls. Master Nicholls introduced everyone, and instantly the dynamic was created that was going to organize the new group. After the introductions, the team set about organizing a plan of work, a name was agreed on- NATIONAL TAEKWON-DO IRELAND or NTI for short (also symbolizing our ties with NICHOLLS TAEKWON-DO INSTITUTE and through him the ITF). An executive was set up comprising of Mr Mark Oman IV-Chief Instructor, Mr Darragh Oman IV-Secretary General, myself Mr Jon Mackey I-Treasurer and Mr Paul O’Brien II-Operations.We agreed that we should firstly establish functioning TKD schools in our respective areas, and currently we have established schools in Cork and Dublin. The word is starting to filter out to the wider TKD community in Ireland and already we are receiving some interest from other instructors and independant TKD schools looking to affiliate to the ITF.With the guidance of Master Nicholls, and the perseverance and hard work by  the new executive, the future of ITFTaekwon-Do in Ireland looks very bright indeed. Please feel free to look up our web site (still under construction!) at or Master Nicholls web site at

April 17, 2004

The ITF Masters Class DVD has is now for sale on a special Pre-Order Price, check the Masters Class DVD Series section of this site for details.

April 11, 2004

From ITF-ONLINE, we would like to wish Taekwon-Do and all Taekwon-Do Practitioners a very…..

April 10, 2004

Please see below for a report from Mr. Chris Howes regarding the recent 3 Day Instructors Seminar in Calgary, AB

On April 2,3, & 4, 2004 Master Choi, Jung Hwa accompanied by Mr. Mike Morningstar and Mr. Parm Rai traveled to Calgary, AB, Canada to conduct a 3 day International Instructors Course. The Course began on the Friday evening and concluded on the Sunday evening focusing on the Chang Han Pattern Set as developed by General Choi, Hong Hi.

Black Belts from all over Canada and from the UK and United States traveled to train alongside Master Choi and learn from his wealth of knowledge.

On the Saturday evening, Mr. Parm Rai and Mr. Clive Daffey ( UK ) graded successfully for their 6th Dan Black Belts at Lightning Family Martial Arts. Afterwards, Master Choi was treated to a banquet by one of Canada’s leading Chefs Mr. Vincent Parkinson.

The final day of training was amazing and concluded with some insight from the Master, all students were riveted to hear Master Choi tell stories about his childhood in the martial arts and his views on the future of our organization.

A fantastic time was had by all.

Chris Howes

Vice President Western Canada

Taekwon-Do Association of Canada

April 10, 2004

On the weekend of March 12 & 13, 2004 the Taekwon-Do association of Canada had their Canada Team Selections, 1st Annual NGB and National Championships. Please see below for a report from Mr. Chris Howes.

On March 12 & 13, TAC ( Taekwon-Do Association of Canada ) held its 2004 National Championship and Team Selection as well as the 1st Annual General Meeting.

The meeting was held on the Friday night and TAC elected in its Board of Directors

Master Richard Parris Senior Advisor

Mr. Mike Morningstar President

Mr. Michel Demers Vice President Eastern Canada

Mr. Chris Howes Vice President Western Canada/Secretary/Treasurer

Mr. Chris Reid – Event Coordinator

On Saturday the 12th an exciting Color belt competition began which showed an outstanding demonstration held by many of the TAC Instructors and students and a very special guest, the President of the ITF himself, Master Choi, Jung Hwa.

The Sunday led into the Black Belt Competition and Team Selection. The competition was extremely exciting and the Black Belts performed incredibly well.

Please see below for the results of our Team Selections and photos from the event.

Chris Howes

Vice President Western Canada

Taekwon-Do Association of Canada

Canada Men’s Team

Coach Mr. Chris Howes

Scott Seguin

Mark Silva

Ken Hollick

Nick Leblanc

David Proulx

Adam Siray

Canada’s Women’s Team

Coach Mr. Steven Legrow

Sonya Howes

Sheena Lee Spencer

Julie Goneau

Lynda Chen

Jane Chen

Sylvie Beakmans

Canada Jr. Boys Team

Coach Mr. Michel Demers

Luke Bowman

Ali Isaaky

Alex Sherrif

Shawn Ford

Jonathan Martel

Alan Huen

Canada Jr. Girls Team

Coach Mr. Craig Myers

Amanda Stone

Anik Lefferriere

Heather Wood

Dominque Vendres

Christina Mai

Andrea Farquuharson

April 9, 2004

Please see below for a request from ITF Administration regarding the upcoming ITF World Championships in South Korea

World Championships


ITF Administration requests that all participating countries register with the ITF at the earliest opportunity.


Please note that in countries where multiple INO’s exist, the ITF reminds members to ensure that the selection process involves all eligible organizations. If absolutely necessary, the ITF will assist if so requested.


The member organizations of all participants must be certified as ‘Current’ by ITF Administration. Further, all competitors must be in possession of a current Black Belt Status Card. Please do not delay in applying for any necessary certification as ITF Administration cannot guarantee that late applications will be processed in time for the event.

Organizations currently not registered with the ITF and in countries with no current ITF representation are invited to contact ITF Administration. It may be possible, subject to mutual agreement, to arrange for registration and subsequent World Championship participation.

April 6, 2004

Please see below for an address from Master Tompkins regarding the recent recruitment campaign letters being sent out by previous ITF members.

This letter has been developing for a long time and I have not wanted to write about any one in particular; not until my student’s and I began to receive letters inviting us to inquire about the virtues of joining the so called ICTF, the “True Pioneers” of TaeKwon-Do. Now I have heard it all!

Grand Master Nam Tae Hi is honorary president. I would truly like to visit with Grand Master Nam Tae Hi about this policy of enticing students to switch from one organization to another. I trained with Grand Master Nam in 1966 in Malaysia and I know this person. While I do not expect him to remember this lowly red belt from among the thousands he has worked with, I do know his spirit was not one with this kind of chicanery. That is of course unless he has become desperate or has been misled and I do not believe this to be true. I have experienced many “True Pioneers” in my travels through the world of TaeKwon-Do and only the very few were real. Grand Master Nam was one!.

Other Masters evolved, insisting on using the sacred rights of the Master to intimidate all of us naïve caucasians. We gave of our time, our fortunes and our bodies to further their pioneering efforts (bank accounts). Right behind those “True Pioneers” were the “Golden Boys”, the caucasions, who, over the years figured out the scam and are now cashing in on the “I was there at the beginning” scam.

Through it all I was the chief country bumpkin. I rode into town on a load of pumpkins thinking that if they were a Korean Master they had to know it all. Eventually, with the tutelage of General Choi and Grand Master Park , some political lessons that left me bruised bloodied and much wiser from Grand Master Sereff and hard lessons taught to me by some of the students I had misplaced my trust in, I finally learned to take care of my people. I learned to keep my cards close to my chest and to know the real definition of the word experience; “Learning to recognize a mistake the second time you make it”.

After many years in the ITF and all of the seminars, world championships etc, my instructor, Grand Master Park formed the GTF and I did the only thing possible; I remained true to my instructor. I remained that way until his illness precluded him from running the GTF in reasonable manner. It was after Grand Master Parks death and several months of watching the ITF that I went to Master Choi, Jung, Hwa’s house and met him personally. It was at that time I decided to plant the feet of the Phoenix Group in his back yard and wait for the ITF to grow around him. I have found him to be a man of his word and to be easy to work with.

When I first met “Grand Master” Kong (his title, I noticed the ITF expelled him as a 6th degree.) his main concern was how soon I could organize a seminar and how big it would be. When he found out, we were all small clubs spread out all over the USA; it was the last of his interest in our group except for the normal amenities. (If he would have just waited, he could have been part of the 100-person seminar we just had for Master Choi) I was not surprised when he turned his back on Master Choi and neither am I surprised at this sudden burst of piety.

Phoenix Group students have purchased many uniforms from Mr. Cariati’s “Cazzoto” and it was just recently I received my first martial arts phone call from him. He said he was just calling as a friend although he did not have many good things to say about Master Choi and actually relayed some rather nasty comments made in the inner circle of administrators about me in a private meeting when Master Choi’s ITF had their first convention. At first I thought it was just a friend’s good intentions whose mouth was running a little loose. Now after seeing the letter campaign, trying to get us to switch over I know differently; I am truly disappointed in this type of conduct.

Students of the ITF, If you are happy where you are, then stay there. Master Choi will be the first to tell you to stay in your organization if you are happy with it. Always discuss things with your instructor/president at length before you do anything. I can tell you I always call where a student or club comes from to find out why they left.

Some persons are jumping ship for a phony rank advancement. The promoting Master will assure you deserve the promotion just as much as his or her bank account does. While it certainly will fell good to get your next promotion, it will not help your reputation.

This business of trying to recruit from among other ITF organizations with letter writing campaigns is beneath the normal standards of dignity and decorum. If you get any kind o letter such as this from some one in Master Choi’s group, I would like to know about it.

Getting an honest inquiry from a club in other groups is a different case then what I am discussing in this letter.

In closing, there can only be my request to the so called ICTF to cease this shabby method of recruiting students, quit besmirching the good name of others by referring to your selves as the “True Pioneers” and leave the Phoenix Group out of this type of recruiting.

Master John Tompkins

8th Degree


Phoenix Group

March ITF News

March 29, 2004

Please see below for a report on the recent Thoroughbred TAekwon-DO 10th annual Training Camp.

Thoroughbred Taekwon-Do’s 10th Annual Training Camp, over the Labour Day Long-weekend (March 5th-8th) was a huge success, with almost 60 people, including over 20 Black belts, attending from across Australia.

The event was organized for the 10th year by Michael Muleta, and his Thoroughbred Taekwon-Do club.

United ITF Instructors and students were in attendance from across Melbourne, Ballarat, Geelong and Mildura, as well as interstate visitors from Tasmania (Hobart and Launceston), New South Wales (Wollongong), Queensland (Sunshine Coast).

After a daily pre-dawn run, 5 sessions per day were conducted by a number of instructors, and topics ranged from: Self-Defence, Weapons, Patterns, Stretching, Instructor Training, Fundamentals, Sparring, Mass training, National Squad Training and other fun fitness and recreational activities, many utilizing the beach surrounding facilities. 

This camp featured many of the country’s finest ITF instructors and Black Belts, as well as National Junior and Senior Squad members and aspirants vying to be selected for the 2004 ITF World Championships in Korea and/or the 2006 ITF World Championships in Melbourne. 

There will also be a Degree Testing held, up to 4th Degree, for eligible applicants (subject to demand). 

All Taekwon-Do practitioners of all ranks and ages, and from all Nations are welcome to attend.

For those who missed out on this occasion, the XIth National Training Camp has been booked for the same weekend in 2005 (Labour Day, Vic )

Places are strictly limited due to Camp capacities – final registrations will be due by the end of 2004. 

Registrations will be taken on a first come, first served basis. Contact Michael Muleta, for registration info

March 17, 2004

Please see below for a report on the recent Southern ITF Taekwon-Do Championships

2003 Southern ITF Taekwon-Do Championships

Venue: Southern Tasmanian Netball Association Stadium (Bartercard Stadium), Cnr Creek and Main Rd. Newtown, Hobart.


As can be seen from the photos, this year’s championship was a hotly contested affair with over 85 competitors coming from as far away as the sub-continent of India. The President of the Taekwon-Do association of India (Mr Rajendran) brought 8 of his best young competitors to Tasmania to participate in this championship and they did not go home empty handed. In a great display of skill and courage the Indian competitors took on the often larger Australian competitors and showed them the standard set in India. The attendance of the Senior Instructor of the largest single Taekwon-Do organisation in Australia, Mr Charles Birch and his son Grant and junior Black belt Robert Tooth, added to the competitive spirit at the competition. The standard  set by these two black belts was extremely high with both competitors taking home 1st place in their sparring events. But the real competitive spirit for the day was set by the Launceston based AMAA team of Mr Mathew Chugg and Mr Michael Flanagan. With nearly 30 competitors from the North of the State these guys had come to win a few ITF medals. In fact their indomitable spirit was tested before even getting to Hobart with the bus they were on dangerously losing a tyre on the Midland highway. Nonetheless the team arrived safe and sound albeit a little later than planned.

The competition commenced with a brief opening ceremony that included a wonderful display of Indian dancing given by Ms Ishita Matharu that displayed the grace and colour of the people from her nation. Once the opening ceremony was completed the competition started with a brief display of sparring from the little dragons class of seven year olds who were all awarded a medal and certificate for their Taekwon-Do spirit. Next up was the Senior Team patterns on Ring A with the black belt  Open Patterns on Ring B. The open patterns where judged by invited senior instructors using criteria common to all martial arts such as precision of movements, power, speed, balance and artistic attributes. The Senior Team patterns where won by the team captained by Beda Iten with Richard Wright’s team taking second place, and then Beda went on to win the Black belt individual open patterns with his sister Leyla Iten taking second place followed by Clare Wootton in third place. The Junior team patterns was then hotly contested in Ring A with the team led by Michael Driessen taking first place but the second place being tied by David Nichols team and Kirsty Pressers team. In the tiebreaker Kirsty’s team took second place with Dave’s finishing in third. Meanwhile on ring B the senior coloured belts competed in the open patterns section with once again the Southern ITF competitors taking out the first three places, with Jack Swann winning followed by Jaidev Soin and in third place Wayne Fehlberg. This was followed by the open junior coloured belts with a winning display from AMAA Practitioner Brandi-lee Ryan and Susannah Quick and Alison Beattie from SITF taking second and third place respectively. Meanwhile in Ring A the ITF individual Black belt patterns were contested with Beda Iten again taking first place and Robert Tooth in second followed by Clare Wootton in third. This was followed by a large group in the ITF Senior patterns that was again won by Jack Swann with Jaidev Soin in second place and Cassie Blazely in third. The ITF junior individual patterns where split into male and female groups with first place in the female group to Alison Beattie, second to Susannah Quick and third to Tamara Lord, the male group saw Alison’s Brother James Beattie take first place with second going to Michael Driessen and third to Martin Joyce. 

Following the patterns events the rings where bought together to allow for the special techniques competitions. With the girls performing flying side kicks at the front of the mats and the guys doing flying upward kicks and flying turning kicks at the rear of the mats it provided a spectacular display of Taekwon-Do’s aerial dynamics. Of particular note was the ability of Mathew Chugg who was able to easily reach the boards scoring three points on all techniques on his first attempt. Beda Iten took out second place with four points and a tie between Brisbane competitors Robert Tooth and Grant Birch was decided by raising the jumping upward kick with Mr Tooth edging out Mr Birch. The women’s special techniques was won by 7th gup Alison Beattie followed by Clare Wootton and Leyla Iten. The childrens special technique was won by Tasmanian ITF competitor Scott Saward, with Martin Joyce and Rajnor Soin of Southern ITF in second and third place.

The sparring events then dominated the rest of the day with some notable bouts in both the junior and senior ranks. The Indian team of young competitors were exceptional taking out 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the boys lightweight junior sparring division and a 1st and 2nd place in the girls junior and girls lightweight junior sparring divisions. The boys senior sparring saw a fantastic bout between AMAA’s Steven James and Bai Rui’s Robert Tooth with Robert winning due to his greater ITF experience and his strategic use of the rules. This knowledge and skill also played a big part in his eventually taking the gold medal against the other young AMAA junior black belt Michael Smith. In fact many of the AMAA competitors performed very well in the sparring divisions but their lack of understanding of ITF rules hampered their chance of winning the bouts. Next year’s championships should however provide a better opportunity for these competitors to take more medals given their greater understanding of the rules. Senior Instructor and fifth degree black belt did however win his division with his greater experience in competition helping him to win in well contested bouts against Southern ITF first degrees Ben Blazely and Richard Wright in the final. The women’s black belt final was a closely fought bout between Sophie Hurst and Leyla Iten with Leyla’s greater experience and speed allowing her to take out the gold medal. Sophie however displayed great technique and strategies to keep the bout very close and is a competitor to watch for the future. The Team sparring generated the greatest noise for the day with a young Southern ITF team taking on the older team of competitors from AMAA with Northern supporters cheering their competitors on with great gusto. Nonetheless the young Southern ITF team of black and red belts showed true grit to win the event three bouts to one with only Mathew Chugg from AMAA winning his bout.   

The day was completed  with the Power breaking which again had both the guys and girls up at the same time. The girls breaking  a minimum of three boards with the two kicks and two boards with the knife hand strike and the boys with a minimum of four boards with kicks and three with hand techniques. The field of 18 male competitors and 6 female gave a great display of the power of ITF technique with top score of 24 points (3 points per break) going to Leyla Iten in the female section and 31 points to Beda Iten in the male section. 

Overall the day was a great success despite it being one of the hottest days of the year with competitors pleased with the organisation and the terrific venue. All of the clubs involved won medals and the event was completed close to its original planned time even though it was delayed in its start due to the misfortune of the Launceston club bus. The evening saw a celebration of the day with a dinner dance at the venue and the annual Southern ITF awards. A highlight of the evening being the presentation of a “Legacy Crystal” of General Choi’s fist to senior Instructor/Examiner and Tournament organiser Steve Weston by his club in recognition of his efforts.

MALE JUNIOR PATTERNSJames BeattieMichael DriessenMartin Joyce
FEMALE JUNIOR PATTERNSAlison BeattieSusannah QuickTamara Lord
BLACK BELT PATTERNSBeda ItenRobert ToothClare Wootten
SENIOR PATTERNSJack SwannJaidev SoinCassie Blazely
BLACK BELT OPEN PATTERNSBeda ItenLeyla ItenClare Wootten
JUNIOR COLOURED BELT OPEN PATTERNSBrandi-Lee RyanSusannah QuickAlison Beattie
girls lightweight junior sparring Kristen BartleyShivaji Matharu              ———
girls junior sparring Ishita MatharuSophie BeckerMelissa Young
womens lightweight sparringCatherine MoultRebecca CaddyRebecca molyneux
womens middleweight sparringCassie BlazelySusannah QuickAlison Beattie
Womens black belt sparringLeyla ItenSophie HurstLynda Robbins
Boys Lightweight Junior SparringJoveer BajajBally KandolaManuel Infante
Boys Middleweight Junior SparringLuke NaylerTauren Gillie-TerryKristofer Maxwell
Boys intermediate sparring Ben  TurnerBen  HolymanKieran Santose 
Boys senior sparringRobert  ToothMichael  SmithNick Mc Intyre
mens junior sparringDavid NicholsDavid HallidayJames Beattie
Mens senior lightweight sparringJaidev  SoinSarbjit SinghMartin Joyce
Mens senior middleweight SparringMichael DriessenRajnor SoinJustin Nichols
Mens Senior heavyweight sparringWayne FehlbergChris LordAndrew  Reynolds
lightweight Black Belt male sparringGrant BirchGuy FaceyChris Kolodziet
heavyweight Black Belt male sparringMathew ChuggRichard WrightBeda Iten
Childrens Special techniqueScott SawardMartin JoyceRajnor Soin
female special techniqueAlison BeattieClaire WoottenLeyla Iten
Male Special TechniqueMatthew ChuggBeda ItenRobert Tooth
Female BreakingLeyla ItenSophie HurstClare Wootton
Male BreakingBeda ItenBen BlazeleyChris Lord
MaleBeda Iten23 points 
FemaleLeyla Iten18 points 
TeamSITF205 points 

March 9, 2004

Please see below for a report on a school program  conducted by Master Robert Wheatley

–News Release–

Taekwon-Do at Brookfield School

Contact Marian Osgood, 825-0257

Robert Wheatley, 826-2355

Terry Oliver, 853-6964

December 3, 2003


By Terry Oliver 

RENO, NEV–When the Brookfield School directors contracted with the Wheatley Taekwon-Do Academy last winter to provide martial arts instruction for their students, they had no idea how compatible the martial arts would be to the academic philosophies of their school.

The original intent for the private school, located at 6800 S. McCarran Blvd., was to provide a physical activity option for after school, explained Marian Osgood, Brookfield School Director since 1983.  After just a few weeks of the twice-weekly program, it was clear to Osgood that the school was enjoying academic benefits that Brookfield had not bargained for.

The 21 initial students taking the Taekwon-Do instruction from Master Robert Wheatley, a seventh degree black belt and native of Ireland, were noisy and boisterous at the beginning.  Within weeks, however, the students quietly line up for the class and have memorized complex patterns involving hand, eye, breathing and foot coordination.

“Brookfield School has a strong emphasis on structure,” said Osgood.  “Our students wear uniforms and we work on developing self-discipline with the students.”

Not surprisingly, Taekwon-Do is also structured and the students are disciplined and wear uniforms.  It is both a physical and mental activity.

“What delighted us, however, was the fun that was infused into the Wheatley instruction,” said Osgood.  “Structure and discipline are laudatory goals, but without fun, you will lose the students.  It’s important to make learning enjoyable.  Master Wheatley has a warmth and an Irish sense of humor that softens his approach to martial arts with children.  Since the program’s inception in January, we have had very good attendance and it is a very stable and growing program.”

A practitioner and teacher of Taekwon-Do for nearly 40 years, Wheatley was surprised by the Brookfield School children’s lack of shyness.  “Normally I have to work at getting the younger children comfortable and confident to perform Taekwon-Do in front of other students and on-looking parents,” said Wheatley.  “With these students there was no shyness and there was no fear.”

“Memorization skills are important at our school,” continued Osgood.  “We see these skills being worked on during Taekwon-Do, as students have to learn routines that have precise techniques performed in a specific order.  This is very similar to our requirement that each month students recite a poem or story from memory before their classmates at Brookfield.” 

“Again, I was surprised by how quickly the students picked up the techniques that I was teaching,” said Wheatley.  “The learning environment here prepares the students to master the movements of Taekwon-Do.”

While it is too early to predict how many of the students will become black belts, Wheatley believes that the compatibility of Brookfield’s philosophies with those of Taekwon-Do, provides a unique environment.

“The manner in which they teach in the classroom is similar to my approach on the do jang (practice floor).  This reinforcement is effective in molding the children’s attitudes positively towards both their academic and Taekwon-Do work,” he noted.  From the initial class of 21, which began in January 2003, four students have reached the 6th grade and several others are preparing to test for their green belt shortly.  The school now has numerous yellow belts as well as new students at the white belt level.  We have grown to 25 students, Wheatley noted.

The lack of bureaucracy at Brookfield is refreshing to Wheatley.  “If I need a decision or have a problem, any one of the assistant directors and the director are accessible and can quickly make a decision,” said Wheatley.  “I have had good experiences teaching students at public schools, but making changes and getting decisions can sometimes be time consuming.”

The decision to include Taekwon-Do as a physical activity option was not automatic.  Brookfield school administrators debated the issues of fighting and aggressiveness.

“We definitely did not want to create a problem on our playground,” said Osgood.

“I have assured them that Taekwon-Do has a great emphasis on avoiding such problems,” explained Wheatley.  “The tenets of Taekwon-Do are ‘courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit.’  We emphasize that Taekwon-Do is not to be practiced on the playgrounds and the Taekwon-Do oath that the children recite includes, ‘I will not misuse Taekwon-Do.’”

From the parents perspective, the compatibility of Wheatley’s teaching techniques with the school’s philosophy meets the objectives of the toughest judges—the moms and the dads.

“I like the discipline part,” explained Stephanie Rawson, mother of 5-year-old Hannah.  “We marvel at the fact that this man can get 20 children to be quiet.  I have two children and can’t accomplish that.  He has more patience than anyone I’ve ever seen.

“Because of the academic program at Brookfield, these kids blast through things,” Rawson continued.  “Master Wheatley shows a technique one week and the next week they’ve mastered that and are on to another  one.”

With 3,200 separate techniques in Taekwon-Do, there is plenty of material to cover, no matter how fast they learn, explained Wheatley.       “Hannah’s self control has improved,” said Rawson.  “We were worried that the children might hurt someone, but instead of using the martial arts on a younger sibling, Hannah is teaching the techniques to her 3-year-old sister Madison.”

Angel Handlin, mother of 6-year-old Brett, had similar concerns regarding the fate of younger brothers Adam, 4, and Casey, 8 months. 

“We enforce no punching and no tackling rules at home and it works,” she said.  “In fact Brett’s a little lower key at home at night after Taekwon-Do.  He uses up energy in the class and then he practices every night.”

Another valuable discipline important to all mothers that Taekwon-Do teaches is listening.  “We’re firm that you have to listen,” said Handlin.  “Wheatley teaches the same skill.  The children really absorb from him.”

For Lynda Robinson’s children, Ashley, 8 years old and in the second grade, and pre-schooler Hunter, 4 years old, the Wheatley program is about learning and not play time.

“They were in another program that did not emphasize respect, discipline and listening skills,” she explained.  “This is what Taekwon-Do should be.  My children are learning and they are both yellow belts.  Ashley listens better now and Hunter may not listen to me yet, but he does listen to Master Wheatley!”

Facing a problem of coordination and wanting to improve her son’s social skills, Karen Yee enrolled Jeremy in Taekwon-Do, even though he has not yet reached his 5th birthday.  Academically, Jeremy was doing fine in his pre-kindergarten class, but he wasn’t as coordinated as his older classmates, Yee explained.

“Taekwon-Do has brought him up to speed.  It has been a huge turnaround for him,” she continued.  “His coordination has improved.  He’s not as wild and he is able to keep up with the 5-and 6-year-old children.  He is better able to concentrate.”

Jeremy enjoys the program so much that he takes additional classes at Wheatley’s Taekwon-Do Academy located at 1790 West Fourth Street.  “He just loves it five days a week,” said Yee.

“Children excel with parent participation,” said Osgood, “and we see the parents involved with the Taekwon-Do class.”

Jason Guinasso’s son, second-grader Robbie, has learned to focus and has developed the self-motivation to learn Taekwon-Do. 

“It gives a parent a sense of pride to see their children make significant progress and to follow through on achieving goals,” Guinasso said.  And, the more self-confident 7-year-old yellow belt now packs a punch when he practices on Dad.

As Steve Douglass, father to 8-year-old David, watches his son participate in class, he observes that Master Wheatley is able to teach and maintain the interest for any age level.

“He’s firm, direct and takes care of problems as they occur, but he is also compassionate in his instruction,” said Douglass.  “He has the kid’s respect.”

David will be testing for his 6th grade soon and has grasped that he can tackle difficult tasks and successfully complete the requirements for a test.  His balance and self-discipline have improved.

For Wheatley, the Brookfield program is one of many that he has developed over his long Taekwon-Do career.  He began his study of martial arts in 1966 and started teaching in 1973, as an instructor for the Republic of Ireland Taekwon-Do Association in Dublin and Arklow, County Wicklow.  In 1978, Wheatley passed his first International Instructor’s exam under General Choi Hong Hi, the founder of Taekwon-Do. After moving to America and becoming an American citizen in 1983, Master Wheatley successfully ran schools in Santa Barbara and Lompoc, Calif.  He also opened another Taekwon-Do studio at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.  After moving to Reno in 1995, he opened the Wheatley Taekwon-Do Academy and also conducts a Taekwon-Do program at the Lakeridge Tennis Club.

Besides his role as a Taekwon-Do instructor, in 2002, Wheatley took on the responsibility as President of the United States International Taekwon-Do Federation (USITF).  The USITF is an independent national organization affiliated with the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), which has schools in nearly every state and in more than 100 countries.

Wheatley has trained under General Choi’s system for his entire career in Taekwon-Do and continues to support the legacy of the founding father of the martial art.  The ITF is now headed by Master Choi Jung Hwa, 8th degree black belt and son of General Choi.

Wheatley’s objective as USITF president is to consolidate as many Taekwon-Do schools as possible under the umbrella of the ITF and Master Choi, which teaches the traditional techniques of Taekwon-Do as developed by founder General Choi.

Please see below for a recent article from Sports Today.

The ITF Prepares for Repatriation to South Korea.

The International Taekwon-Do Federation that has been led by President Choi Hong Hi (deceased) is attracting an extraordinary interest these days by preparing for the repatriation to Korea in 32 years.

Among other things, it has expanded the Korean branch operation while appointing a new association President.

ITF-Korea had joined the International Taekwon-Do Federation on November 2002, and has recently been granted recognition as a special Independent National Organization (INO) where Lee Jin Soo (62) of Chung Nam Martial Arts Organization was appointed as the first national President.

Mr. Lee Jin Soo is a well known professional administrator of the Korea Taekwon-Do Association who led Taekwon-Do into the world scene in the 1990’s.

The ITF-Korea headquartered in Daejon is showing a flurry of activities by expanding the organizational activities and elevating the staff level, while concentrating on the preparation for the scheduled World ITF Taekwon-Do Championships.

Mr. Lee stated that, “I will do my best to see that the Taekwon-Do will branch out to the world through the motherland of Taekwon-Do, not North Korea. The ITF-Korea will became a transparent and honest martial arts organization for the benefit of its members.”

The pro-North Korean ITF which has been an adversary of the WTF has divided into three directions since the death of the late president Choi Hong Hi.

Following the so called “last will” of Choi Hong Hi, a North Korean IOC member Chang Ung surfaced as the leader and has on several occasions attempted communication with the WTF ex-President.

However, as it became apparent that the September 2002 special congress held in Pyong Yang was a farce, Choi Jung Hwa, the son of the late President has consolidated the momentum of the International Taekwon-Do Federation under its leadership.

Mr. Choi who lives in Canada has severed connections with the politically-oriented North. At the same time they are preparing for the transfer of the Headquarters to South Korea. Other activities include the establishment of the Taekwon-Do University in Jeju-do, construction of Kukkikwan, etc.

On the 17th and 18th of February the ITF Senior Vice President Volmir Ligay has also visited the Korea-ITF to review its progress.

It seems that the transfer of the International Taekwon-Do Federation to Korea will create a tremendous tremour in the Taekwon-Do world especially at a time when the World Taekwon-Do Federation is on a precarious position due to the indictment of its ex-President Kim Un Yong.

Yu Byung Chul / Sports Today

February ITF News

February 19, 2004

Please see below for the following reports and updates

1. A report regarding Mr. Chang Ung and the current situation regarding the ITF

2. A report on the recent International Instructors Course held in Houston, TX by Theresa Deatherage

3. A report on the Scientific Research Committee by Dr. Kruk

4. A report on the recent International Instructors Course held in Chile

5. The Appointment of Dr. Bernard L Weinstock MD as Head Medical Director of the International Taekwon-Do Federation

Report Regarding Mr. Chang Ung and the current situation regarding the ITF.

The only mistake Kim Un Yong made was underestimating Choi Jung Hwa. Instead of savoring final victory by swallowing the ITF whole, he sits facing trial for bribery and embezzlement. Kim left himself open to the patient Choi when he conspired with Chang Ung (a North Korean) to bring Taekwon-Do together under Kukkiwon. The ITF would have simply become a style within the vast Kukkiwon and the last credible organization would be gone. To Kim, control was everything and the fact that an organization existed that rivaled the WTF for credibility and surpassed them in history aggravated him. Kim denied any interest in the ITF for years, however each time he was asked about the ITF, he was reminded that he was not in total control. He had a rival and to Kim, that was not acceptable. He saw his chance to seize control of the ITF and went for it. He would wait until General Choi died, Chang Ung would hold “merger talks” and ITF would be “merged” into a member organization under the Kukkiwon, all for the small fee of $1.5 million. To make the plan work, Chang Ung would need control of the ITF. Once Kim was convinced Chang Ung could deliver, the payments started. The year was 1999 and the money was delivered… personally.

As well as being the President of the WTF, Kim Un Yong was also a prominent lawmaker in South Korea. Kim was well known for his tactics. He used gangsters to help deter people from running against him in elections, he used bribes to get his way and he thought nothing of spreading WTF money around to pursue his own interests. His connections were too powerful to take him on and his wrath too severe for most who ever thought of trying. He had mastered the art of “getting away with it” until Choi Jung Hwa saw his opening.

The worst thing a South Korean politician could be found doing was engaging in private business with a North Korean in order to pursue his own agenda. At this most sensitive time in history, at this time of military tension, grand standing, threats and general worry, Kim is handing over $1.5 million to North Korean Chang Ung to help make sure the future ITF President would deliver the organization in one piece. Instead of talking about the security of the people he represents, he was more concerned with strengthening the organization he ran. This was what the opponents of Kim Un Yong had been waiting for. Bribing officials, rigging elections, embezzling were bad, but when you get caught doing private business with the enemy, you lose your friends…fast. In Kim’s case, when you lose your friends, the floodgates open.

How did the deal go wrong? Simple, when  a huge portion of the ITF remained with Master Choi once he moved its headquarters to Canada, Chang Ung could no longer deliver what he promised. He could hand over a portion of the ITF but the ITF would still exist and still be led by a Choi. To go through with the deal would have been pointless. The deal may have lost its momentum for Kim Un Yong but it was just starting for Choi Jung Hwa. It was now public knowledge the extent of the involvement between North Korea and the ITF. They controlled a portion of it and Chang Ung was the President. Therefore, it was very easy for Choi Jung Hwa’s organization based in Canada to convince people they had nothing to do with the reclusive state. With that fact now obvious, it was possible for the first time to get ITF into South Korea. Why would they resist? They said no before because of the North Korean connection. Now, there was no more connection. It was simply a Canadian based organization setting up shop in South Korea. There was a lot of interest in the ITF from entrepreneurs and others who believed that a traditional version of Taekwon-Do was needed in the country. This made communication much easier between Choi and prominent members of South Korean society. It was not very long into the relationship that Choi Jung Hwa revealed the nature of the relationship between Chang Ung and Kim Un Yong. The word was out, Kim’s days were numbered.

Now, Choi Jung Hwa presides as President of the ITF. His Federation is poised to make a splashy debut to the South Korean public by holding its World Championships in Daejong this coming October. Choi Jung Hwa can fill the moral void left in the South Korean Taekwon-Do community with the original Korean art of Taekwon-Do. Kim Un Yong faces jail time for his crimes and Chang Ung is left with a small Federation he doesn’t want and North Korea does not have Taekwon-Do as a bargaining chip any longer. 

For Choi Jung Hwa, this has been his defining moment, the defeat of Kim Un Yong, the rescue of the ITF from North Korea and the return of Taekwon-Do to its birthplace. Not a bad start for the new President.

International Instructors Course, Houston, TX, USA

Master Choi Jung Hwa, President of the International TaeKwon-Do Federation, came to Houston, Texas, to lead an International Instructors Course, January 17-21, 2004.  The course was sponsored by the Phoenix Group and hosted by Mr. Bill Howard V Degree and his students.

The weekend started with a Gup Seminar on Friday, January 16, which was to have been led by Mr. Mike Morningstar.  Unfortunately, Mr. Morningstar was called away due to the passing of his father (our sincerest sympathies go out to the Morningstar family).  In his absence, Mr. Joe Seszko VI Degree led the Gups in self-defense, and Mr. Jeff Hurben III Degree ran sparring drills.  Master Choi visited with the Gups near the end of their seminar for a question-and-answer session.

On Saturday morning, Master Choi  — with the assistance of  Master John Tompkins, Master Fabian Nunez and Master Jean Tompkins — began methodically taking 59 Black Belts through their paces.  Commenting on the strength of the martial artists present, Master Choi noted that “if not for the different patches, you would not have known they came from different organizations.”  In the 2½ days, all patterns Chon-Ji up through Tong-Il were covered by Black Belts who came from different schools primarily in the Phoenix Group and American TaeKwon-Do Federation International INOs.  In all, three countries — Canada, U. S A. and South Korea — were represented as were the states of Alabama, Alaska, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Ohio, and Texas.

Scientific Research Committee – nominations

The Scientific Research Committee of the International Taekwon-Do Federation has concluded the selection of the Research Officers. We had many applications from various countries as well as from various ITF organisations. Therefore, the selection process was very laborious as nominees had to pass strict selection criteria. It is with pleasure that I inform you that the following researchers have been invited to participate in the work of the Scientific Research Committee of the International Taekwon-Do Federation in the capacity of Research Officers:

1. Dr David G. Steffen – 4th Dan ITF, USA

2. Dr Claude Laferriere – 2nd Dan ITF, Canada

3. Dr Benjamin C.G. Gursansky – 1st Dan ITF, Australia

Congratulations to all of you and I hope that together we will begin our exciting work which will serve all Taekwon-Do practitioners in the world in learning and better understanding the legacy of the founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi. There still may be a few other candidates invited at a later date whose selections are being currently processed. Brief research and Taekwon-Do credentials of the selected officers as well as photographs are presented below.

Kind regards

Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee

International Taekown-Do Federation

Zbigniew (Zibby) Kruk (PhD)

Dr David G. Steffen: Age: 35, Nationality: American, Rank: 4th Degree Black Belt, Instructor: Mr. Roberto Roena, 6th Degree, Home: Fort Collins, Colorado. Research Credentials: Ph.D. in theoretical and computational condensed matter physics at Colorado State University. Thesis title: “Finite-cluster calculations of the conductivity tensor, with application to alkali fullerides and the Anderson impurity model”.  A paper summarizing this work titled “Longitudinal and Hall Conductances in model alkali fullerides A3C60” has been accepted for publication in Physical Review B. Dr. Steffen currently works as a physicist and software engineer at Raytheon Systems, developing software for satellite mission management and data processing.  Dr. Steffen has given many presentations on the physics of Taekwon-Do to students of all ages in conjunction with the CSU Physics Department.

Taekwon-Do Credentials: Experience: 23 yrs, Positions: Vice-President and Treasurer of Colorado International Taekwon-Do; senior student under Mr. Roberto Roena; Head Instructor of the CSU Taekwon-Do Club from 1989-1991 and 1995-present.

Dr Claude Laferriere: Age: 51, Nationality: Canadian, Rank: 2nd Degree Black Belt.  Professional and Research Credentials: B.Sc. Honours (Electrical Engineering) University of Aston in Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K., M.A.Sc. (Electrical Engineering) University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering) Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada under a National Research Council of Canada scholarship.  Dr. Laferriere is a registered Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in the Province of Ontario, Canada. He is fluent in both French and English.  His Masters thesis was on error correcting capabilities of majority logic codes and his Ph.D. thesis was on reliable protocols for updating distributed data bases.  Dr. Laferriere initially worked for a small research oriented firm, performing research work for various Canadian Government Departments.  For the past 12 years, Dr. Laferriere has been working for his own consulting firm and is specializing in the design and development of custom communications processing systems.  Dr. Laferriere has several publications to his credit in the field of information system security.  His current interests are in networking, telecommunications, communications software development and systems engineering in general. 

Taekwon-Do Credentials: Although a late comer to Taekwon-Do, he has been training for the past 10 years at Trigger’s Taekwon-Do, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, under Ms. K. Trigger, (ITF IV Dan). Dr. Laferriere, currently a 2nd degree black belt, has participated in numerous seminars and at Master Choi’s International Instructor’s Course in Ottawa in 2001.

Dr Benjamin C.G. Gursansky: Age: 29, Nationality: Australian, Rank: 1st Degree Black Belt, Research Credentials: Ph.D. studies undertaken at the University of New England in the area of Animal Science. Thesis title: “Factors affecting the tenderness of beef from Brahman cattle”.  Dr Gursansky is currently employed as a Project Manager by Australian Pork Limited.  His research management responsibilities include body composition work and eating quality.  He is also responsible for the management and administration of APL’s scholarship training program, along with internal responsibility for IT and knowledge management.  Dr Gursansky is a professional member of the Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS) and the Australian Institute of Management (AIMS).  He is a committee member of the XChange Group within AIMS ACT / NSW chapter. Taekwon-Do Credentials: Asian ITF Taekwon-Do Champion (Kazakhstan, 2002), Australasian Champion (1996, 2001), International Open Champion (2003), Australian Champion (1995-1996, 2000-2003), State Champion (1997, 2000, 2002- 2003) & Best Overall male (2003), Australian University Games Championship (1997), Dr Gursansky has been competing in ITF tournaments since 1995 enjoying many successes, leading to him being one of the most respected competitors in Australia.

Dr Zbigniew A. (Zibby) Kruk: Age: 43, Nationality: Polish/Australian, Rank: 5th Degree Black Belt, Research Credentials: Ph.D. in genetic and biochemistry at the University of Adelaide. Thesis tittle: “Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting carotenoid concentrations in cattle tissues”.  Dr Kruk currently works as a Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Adelaide, School of Agriculture and Wine. His interest and research relates to factors affecting fat deposition in the body, muscle morphology, metabolism of fat soluble vitamins and quality of fat for human consumption. Dr Kruk has published his work in many scientific journals and presented the results and chaired sessions at research conferences in many countries all over the world such as: New Zealand (1997), Spain (1998), Japan (2000), France (2002), Italy (2002), Australia (1997-2003), Canada (2003), South Korea (2003). In spite of the fact that he works fulltime in research, Dr Kruk also supervises postgraduate students and referees research papers for publications. Taekwon-Do Credentials: Experience: 24 yrs, Achievements: World Championships, Bronze (Canada, 1990), European Championships, Gold (England, 1991), National Champion (1987, 1988, 1990, 1991), “Best Competitor” Award of ITF Taekwon-do (Poland, 1991). One of nine ITF instructors invited by General Choi Hong Hi to participate in the production of a promotional CD-ROM, awarded the nine star medal as the ITF’s “Most Outstanding Instructor of 2000”.

International Seminar of Taekwon-do in Chile

         On Sunday, the 1st of February the seminar was given by the 6º international seminar of Taekwon-do, dictated by Fabián Pini VI Dan ITF. The Seminar was organized by the Association of Taekwondo ITF of Chile at expense of the instructor Alvaro Gagliano III Dan, and president of this association.

The day was very intense and almost the last 10 hours, which was divided in 2 parts, the first part consisted on an exam of Dan categories, and in the second part, where techniques of sparing and Pattern (Tul).

In Spanish  Seminario internacional de Taekwon-do en Chile

El día Domingo 1 de febrero se llevo a cabo el 6º seminario internacional de Taekwon-do, dictado por Fabián Pini VI Dan ITF. El Seminario fue organizado por  la Asociación de Taekwondo ITF de Chile a cargo del instructor Alvaro Gagliano III Dan y presidente de dicha asociación.

La jornada fue muy intensa y duro casi 10 horas, la cual fue dividida en 2 partes, la primera parte consistió en un examen de  Danes, y en la segunda se desarrollo el seminario de técnicas de combate y formas.

Dr, Berard Weinstock MD has been appointed Medical Director for the ITF.

Curriculum Vitae

  • Date of Birth: 09/22/1951
  • Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York
  • Marital Status: Married, 3 Children
  • Medical Licenses: California 1977, Texas 1983


  • High School: Dos Pueblos High School Santa Barbara California 1966-69
  • College: Loyola University of Los Angeles. Major Biology Degree B.S 1969-73
  • Medical School: Chicago Medical School, Chicago Illinois Degree MD 1973-76
  • Surgical Internship: David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB California 1976-77
  • Surgical Residency: UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles California 1977-79
  • ENT Residency UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles California 1979-82

Military Service

  • United States Air Force Medical Corps
  • Chicago Medical School 1973-79
  • David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB California 1976-77
  • UCLA Medical Center 1977-82
  • Sheppard AFB, Texas 1982-85

Professional Licenses and Certifications

  • Texas State License
  • California State License
  • Diplomat of the National Board of Medical Examiners
  • Diplomat of the American Board of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
  • Inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha, Honor Medical Society
  • Member of the American Medical Association

Hospital Affiliations

  • Lompoc District Hospital
  • Santa Ynez Valley Hospital-Past
  • Vandenberg AFB Hospital-Past

Present Location

Solo Practice-Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery

Office of Bernard Weinstock MD, Prof. Corp.

3839 Constellation Road

Lompoc California 93436

Martial Arts Affiliations

A) Boxing

1. USA Boxing Certified Ring Physician

2. Ring Physician for the California State Boxing Championships

3. 1-year personal training under Joe Demarco – Professional Boxer

B) Wrestling

1. Physician for the Wrestling Teams, Lompoc High School and Cabrillo High School

2. Physician for Free Style Wrestling Lompoc California

C) Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

1. Internediate Level Gracie Jiu Jitrsu 13 Years Training

2. Instructor No Holds Barred Grappling 10 Years

3. Tournament Physician at Hickson Gracie’s International Competition. held at the Wooden Pavilion, UCLA

4. Tournament Physician at the last Pan-American Games Jiu Jitsu Competition

D) Taekwon-Do

1. IV Dan ITF Black Belt 16 Years

2. Head Ho Sin Sul Instructorfor USITF Master Robert N.Wheatley

3. USA Team Physician for the ITF World Championships held in Malaysia, Russia and Argentina

4. De Factor Tournament Physician for the World Championships held in Malaysia, Russia and Argentina

5. USA Team Physician for International Tournaments held in Canada and Ireland.

July ITF News

July 29, 2003

Please See below for an informative report on the recent United ITF Victorian Championships, pictures are available for viewing at the bottom of the report

The United I.T.F. Victorian Championships was a great success, with competitors from across Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Canberra and New South Wales in attendance.

The tournament was hosted by Thoroughbred Taekwon-Do Chief Instructor and United I.T.F. president, Michael Muleta, who is also the organizer of the 2005 I.T.F. Junior World Championships to be held in Melbourne Australia.

There were many outstanding contests in all events, with several recent World Championships competitors taking part.

Particularly outstanding performers included Joanna Kruk (White Eagle), Corey Chin (Thoroughbred), Taso Kollis (White Eagle), Evan Piper (Thoroughbred), Daniel Caruana (Thoroughbred), Ben Van Eyle (Yong Do), Gary Holbrook (Thoroughbred), Chrissie Penzikis (AIT) and Lucasz Dziedziczak (White Eagle).

Congratulations to Joanna Kruk – White Eagle (Best Overall Female), Corey Chin-Thoroughbred Taekwon-Do (Best Overall Male) and the Thoroughbred Taekwon-Do club performed exceptionally well at this year’s Victorian Championships taking out the best Overall Club Award for the 10th time in 11 years. The Club won 16 gold medals, 16 silver medals and 11 bronze medals.

The previous day saw 3 seminars being held: I.T.F. Sparring, Self-Defense and I.T.F. Umpiring.

Seminar instructors were Michael Muleta (6th Degree), Zbigniew Kruk (5th Degree) and Noel Keating (5th Degree).

Over 50 participants took part in the 3 workshops.

Mr. Kruk took students through some of the sparring drills and strategies which helped win Joanna Kruk her 2 World Championship Gold medals in Argentina last year, whilst Mr. Keating went through a range of close-quarter self-defense techniques, developed through many years as security guard and having previous military service.

Mr. Muleta and Mr. Kruk, the went through Umpiring procedures and scoring criteria, with particular emphasis on Patterns judging.

The Umpiring courses are a series of seminars being run all over the country in the lead-up to the 2005 I.T.F. World Championships hosted by Mr. Muleta in Melbourne, in an effort to produce many top quality Australian officials.

United ITF Victorian Championships Homepage

July 24, 2003

Reports are below on two recent INO events, as well as photos from the P.U.M.A fight night are available for viewing at the bottom of the report

Please See below for an informative report on the recent Master Robert Wheatley Seminar for the Irish United Taekwon-Do Federation

Master Robert Wheatley of USITF conducted a seminar for the Irish United Taekwon Do Federation on the 20th of July, 2003. A total of 60 participants enjoyed the event instructed by one of the most approachable and knowledgable Masters in the world. The course covered two step sparring, free sparring, patterns and the correct method of instructing ITF technique. From the outset Master Wheatley was relaxed, personable and friendly. Within a short amount of time he had developed the perfect atmosphere in the training hall. The four and a half hour event past by in what seemed like minutes. Afterwards Master Wheatley congratulated the IUTF and Mr. Don Dalton, 6th Dan, on their excellent work in promoting the ITF in Ireland. The IUTF will be hosting a sparring seminar in September by Mr. Klaus Nonnamacher and Master Trevor Nicholls will be instructing a course in February. Please contact [email protected] for further details. 

Please See below for an informative report on the recent P.U.M.A (INO) fight night, photos of the event are also listed below.

Professional Unification of Martial Arts (P.U.M.A.) Home International Taekwon-Do Fight Night held recently at the Riverside Leisure Centre in Exeter saw one of the most exciting and dynamic displays of Taekwon-Do held in the Martial Arts calendar.

Mr Ray Gayle 6th Degree P.U.M.A. Chairman opened the evening by welcoming the teams from England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales and the evenings VIP guests;

Mr & Mrs P Kelly – Sportique (Event sponsors)

Mrs Margaret Danks – The Right Worshipful Lord Mayor of Exeter

Helen Daniels – Walked to North and South Poles.

Local Radio presenters Rachael Hicks and Ben Clarke from Gemini FM’s Breakfast show

Along with a wide array of some of the top martial art names from across the Country.

The whole evening was launched and the standard set by local Crediton student’s Sophie Bird (aged 9), European under 16 Girls Creative Forms Champion giving a perfect display of her explosive talent, this was closely followed by her sister Katie (aged 7) who also gave an awesome display of her Creative Weapons form, both girls showing why they are European and British Champions respectively.

The standard now set, the first of the fights took place Scotland against Ireland, with fast and furious action, supported by the near maximum capacity crowd, with every fight being very close, however Ireland took the first bout. Our local radio guests then took to the floor and mingled in the crowd to get some supporters views on the action and find out who had travelled from where.

Miss Kerry Burridge 4th Degree now took to the mats, and performed a traditional Taekwon-Do form called Moon Moo, followed by another dynamic weapons display with the use of Nun-chucks to music by Brett Dowling 2nd Degree.

It was now time for England, the host team, to prove their previously acquired track record could be maintained, twice winners of the Martial Arts Illustrated Magazine ‘Clash of the Titans’ they were now to face the Welsh boys, again the action was very fast and without any doubt at World class level. All the fights were very well fought and expertly supervised by the neutral guest referee’s from Bytomic Tae Kwon Do, with the bout being taken convincingly by England.

P.U.M.A. Tang Soo-Do were next on to the mats with Mr Oliver King and Mr Barry Weyman providing another crowd pleasing display of Bo Staff traditional forms and realistic self defence. This was then followed by the Junior ITF Black Belt Girls Team pattern, I also took this opportunity to speak to some of the VIP guest’s where I was met by comments like ‘wow’ and ‘how do these people manage to be so fast and flexible and maintain such control’, I must say that anyone who watched whatever their knowledge of Martial Arts saw everyone who took part put on a very professional and sporting display of themselves, their art and their respective organisations.

Not to be out done the ladies took to the mats with teams from Scotland and England; the three member ladies teams (male teams were of five fighters) received a massive welcome from the crowd. The atmosphere was now at an electric stage with the chants for the teams echoing around the hall and across the city. Again very closely contested battles’ showing how dynamic Taekwon-Do is as a sport, with the bout being won by England.

Another musical demonstration followed by the Bird sisters, displaying their athleticism and agility to its full potential, and received a rapturous applause from the packed house.

So to the third and fourth place contest between Scotland and Wales, and what a bout this proved to be, this was so close it went to a final fight where each team had to put up their best fighter to decide on the outcome, which was just clinched by the Welsh squad.

Mr Dave Murphy 5th Degree and Scotland Coach now took to the floor with a display of realistic self-defence and an awesome array of destruction techniques. Again Mr Gayle assisted by the Gemini team of Ben and Rach compared this.

So to the final, an England and Ireland contest, as you can imagine when the teams took to the mats the crowd were ecstatic, the coaches took up their ring side positions, the fighters all reacted to the situation and atmosphere by giving a truly world class account of themselves, very much to the crowds delight, however despite Irelands best efforts the P.U.M.A. England Squad under the expert guidance of Coach Mr Mark Ogbourne 6th Degree (himself three times Heavyweight World Champion), won very convincingly.

All the competitors and the officials were presented with trophies and medals and complimented for their exemplary conduct by the Mayor Mrs Danks, and Mr Mark Ogbourne received the massive Four Nations plaque on behalf of P.U.M.A. England. 

Without any doubt this was one of the best Martial Arts events I have had pleasure of attending, and whether the team anyone supported or the fighter anyone supported won, the true winners were the spectators as they saw some of the best martial arts and sportsmanship you are ever likely to see anywhere in the world.

Dave Powlesland.

Crediton P.U.M.A. Taekwon-Do Instructor.

07802 855852.

July 23, 2003

The International Taekwon-Do Federation would like to congratulate our newest Master; Master Jean Tompkins, recently promoted by Master Choi, Jung Hwa on his visit to Missouri.

Congratulations Master Tompkins!

July 23, 2003

On Sunday July 20, 2003 The Royal Taekwon-Do Academy performed a Demonstration for the NYS Senator. Special Guest to the demonstration was Mrs. Hillary Clinton, former first lady of the United States of America.

Please see below for photos of the event.

July 10, 2003

We would like to advise all ITF members that the PayPal Service offered on the ITF Administration site ( ) is no longer in effect, as such,  payments made through the Paypal service will not be accepted by the ITF.

July 7, 2003

Please see below for a report on the recent Saki Do Kwan (INO) Summer Camp with a  photo of the event attendees

Over the weekend of June 27-29th, the Saki Do Kwan held its annual summer Camp on the coast of Oregon. Instructors from throughout the United States traveled to Waldport Oregon for a weekend of intense training, overseen by the President of the Saki Do Kwan, Master Joseph E. Petty. Camp events included    instruction in fundamental techniques, patterns, ho sin sul, and sparring. The weekend culminated with a Katana cutting contest and awards ceremony commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Saki Do Kwan and to celebrate Master Petty’s 30 year anniversary in Taekwon-Do. For more information please contact Mr. Brian P. Kaumo at kaumo@sakidokwan.

July 3, 2003

Please See below for a report on the recent Patterns and Fundamentals Seminar by Mr. Michael Muleta 6th Dan

Date 28th june, 2003

location : Wollongong, NSW (Australia)

Instructor: Michael Muleta, 6th degree

Topic: Patterns and Fundamentals

A 3-hour Patterns and fundamentals seminar was conducted, following a gup grading in Wollongong on June 28th by Michael Muleta, 6th Degree – President of United ITF Taekwon-Do (Australia) inc.

Attendees traveled from 3 states and included students and instructors from Wollongong, Canberra and Hobart.

Participants were put through their paces, with particular focus on gup level Patterns and a breakdown of the fundamental movements contained in them.

Students learnt the applications of many movements, how to increase power and focus of techniques, correct dimensions and postures for each technique and stance, as well as other intricacies pertaining to the performance of patterns.

The seminar received a very positive response, with a follow up seminar being booked for Canberra on September 13th, again conducted by Michael Muleta, with the focus of Practical and effective Self-Defense.


Michael Muleta, 6th Degree   (B.Ed-Phys Ed.)


Executive Committee Chairman & Director of Tournaments

United ITF Taekwon-Do (Australia) Inc.

NAO for International Taekwon-Do Federation

Chief Instructor & Director

Thoroughbred Taekwon-Do ITF

P.O. Box 995, Reservoir, Vic. 3073  Australia

Ph/fax 61-3-9460-8318, mobile 0419 321 732

June ITF News

June 27, 2003

On June 21st and 22nd 2003 over 220 competitors and delegates from 7 Nations were guests in Wetzlar, Germany for the first ITF – National Association Germany German Open. The attending Nations were: England, Ireland, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, one competitor from the USA and Spain. The Russian Federation and the Federation of Georgia could not attend the International German Open because they could not get Visa for the participants.

Every country has been really satisfied and happy at the tournament and every competitor enjoyed the Open.

The competition was almost at World- or European championship level and everybody gave the best they could give. The German and Italian National team competed in Team sparring and the German female National team also competed in Team sparring against the Team of Ireland.

On June 21st the Tournament was open for color belts and on June 22nd for black belts. It was great to see the hungry color belts compete in a high level as well as all the black belts.

On June 22nd the delegates of each participating country met in the Quality Hotel in Wetzlar to discuss about the situation of the ITF in Europe and were talking about to form a new European ITF Federation. The next meeting of the European delegates will be in Madrid, Spain or in Ireland.

I would like to thank Barbara Siraut ( Belgium – Belgium ITF ), Mr. Sahota ( England- UKGT ), Master Trevor Nicholls ( England- Nicholls TKD Institute ), Mr. Don Dalton ( Ireland-IUTF ), Mrs. Patricia Dalton ( Ireland-IUTF ), Mr. Carlos Martin ( Spain-FITE ), Mr. Daniel Hollinger ( Switzerland-ITF Switzerland ), Master Antonio Troiano ( Italy-FederTaekwon-do Italia ) and Mr. Robert Borja ( Germany- Taekwon – Do Central ) for coming to the German Open 2003 with many competitors.

The next ITF – National Association German Open will take place on June 12th and 13th 2004 and we would be very happy to see you and to welcome you all again!


On behalf of the ITF – National Association Germany

Dennis Vierra

General secretary

June 15, 2003

We remember this day as the one year anniversary of the passing of our founder the late General Choi Hong Hi, November 09, 1918 to June 15, 2002. We are sure he looks down on us with pride.

June 10, 2003

Please See Below for some photos of the Recent Master Choi IIC and Taekwon-Do Birthday Celebration in Oakville Ontario

June 9, 2003

Please see below for some photos of the recent visit to South Korea by the Vice President of the International Taekwon-Do Federation Mr. Michael Tibollo and Mr. Michael Morningstar

June 8, 2003

Please See Below for an report on the recent historic visit to Daejon South Korea by the Vice President of the International Taekwon-Do Federation Mr. Michael Tibollo, pictures from the event will be posted shortly.


“Congratulations on the inauguration of the Taekwon-do Training Centre.  History shall record 2003 as the year that Chang Hun Taekwon-do is returned to the people whose spirit it was founded to represent.”

Presented to ITF-Korea, Oh, Chang Jin from Choi, Jung Hwa-ITF.

With these words engraved on a plaque, Mr. Morningstar and I on May 28, 2003, set off on a journey that would see us fly half way around the world through 11 time zones and over the International Date Line.

ITF Taekwon-do was on its way home!

We arrived in Incheon, Korea at 2:30 PM and notwithstanding the SARS issue, we went through immigration and customs relatively quickly.

We were greeted by Mr. Oh, Mr. Chae and Mrs. Kim.  They were all happy to see that we had arrived safely.  After a few brief words, we were off to Daejeon, the first city in South Korea to have an ITF do-jang since 1972.

At first, traveling through the countryside, one can not help but comment on how neat and orderly everything is.  The streets and buildings are clean and well maintained; the people are friendly and courteous. 

After a three hour drive, we arrive to Daejeon, the silicone valley of Korea.  Once again, neat and orderly.  After a big meal of kalbi and kimchi, we go to the Taekwon-Do Training Centre.  Mr. Oh proudly gives us a tour of his do-jang pledging his support for ITF Taekwon-do and for our President Master Choi.

Proudly displayed in the entrance is General Choi Hong Hi’s signature with the title of his autobiography, “Taekwon-do and I”, all written in General Choi’s handwriting. 

Clearly, there is no controversy here.  There is one Taekwon-do, founded by General Choi, whose legacy lives on through his son and his students.

Mr. Oh has a wonderful sense of humour and notwithstanding our fatigue manages to keep us talking about Taekwon-do and its future in Korea until 10:00 PM.

Our first day ends with Mr. Morningstar and me returning to the hotel for a long awaited sleep.  At this point, we had been awake for twenty-six hours.  Neither of us was really tired.  I think it was the adrenalin being produced by our excitement that had kept us going all this time!

We awoke on our second day to the sound of rain tapping against our hotel room window.  Strangely, neither of us felt at this point that we were in Korea but rather a suburb of one of our cities back home.  This would soon change with our trip to the Kukkiwon in Seoul.

The Kukkiwon is located in the City of Seoul, approximately a two hour drive from Daejeon.  We were both excited and yet a little apprehensive about this part of the trip.  We both wanted to see the world headquarters of the WTF and yet did not know what to expect.

The Kukkiwon is a large white building set amongst lush green gardens.  It has an Asian design standing three stories high.  It has a centre hall/auditorium for demonstrations with offices all around the outside.  There is a second building which is a restaurant and a second floor museum of Taekwon-do.  Unfortunately, the museum is closed and we are unable to visit it.   Walking around the gardens, we come to a commemorative stone with the following engraved on it,

”This monument is dedicated to all Taekwondo athletes in commemoration of the 1st World Taekwondo Championships (May 25-27, 1973) and the inauguration of the World Taekwondo Federation (May 28, 1973).

Un Yong Kim


World Taekwondo Federation

Korea Taekwondo Association

We are told by Mr. Pil Soo Song, a Director of DanCorea Co. Ltd. that the building had been designed in 1972 by General Choi.  Coincidentally, General Choi left South Korea for Canada shortly after that, never to return.  I wondered at that point how General Choi must have felt leaving his country, his dream and all that he had worked for behind when he left Korea.  What a difficult time it must have been for him.  I remembered the times I had spent with him telling me that there is one Korea and how he longed to see it united again.

I was introduced to Mr. Wangyu Park, the General Editor of Taekwon-do News and to Mr. Chungsung Oh, a manager of the paper.  They welcomed us to Korea and I was asked for an interview.  We were lead to the office of the Vice-President of the Kukkiwon and they conducted their interview.  It was  pleasant with many questions about our organization and of course questions about the groups that profess to be our organization.  In the background while doing my interview, I could hear the kicks and punches of many students practicing for a demonstration later that evening.  It was wonderful to be in a place so rich in Taekwon-do history, even if it was not our own.  I was amazed to be sitting where I was, talking about Master Choi and his father.

After the interview, our hosts commented that it would be a wonderful idea to have seminars and demonstrations between the ITF and the WTF.  I agreed and said that it would be up to our President to decide what would be next for us.

Our drive back to Daejeon seemed longer than our trip to Seoul.  Perhaps it was because of all the new ideas and ‘what ifs’ running through our minds. 

As the sun set over the Sok Ri mountain, the redness of the sky promised us another beautiful day to come.

The sun rise on our third day as promised was spectacular.  At 5:30 AM, while our friends and family in the west were ending their day, we were awakening to a beautiful sunrise.  I thought to myself, how many people would believe me when I recounted our adventures to the Kukkiwon.

Today, we will be spending the day with Mr. Oh and his instructors at the do-jang.  Mr. Morningstar is prepared to conduct his seminar and teach the fundamentals of our martial art.  I wondered if he knew how important today would be for our Federation.

Before going to the do-jang, however, we are taken to the outskirts of Daejeon to visit a Buddhist Temple called Dong hak-sa found in the Gyeryong Mountain.

The Temple is located on the side of the mountain with a river running down beside it.  It is nestled amongst pine trees and beautiful lush green plants.  When we arrive at the temple, words can not describe the beauty and serenity of the place.  The colours of the temple are vibrant and yet blend easily with the lush green around it.  In the background you could hear the chanting of the monks yet it was not at all obtrusive to the sounds of rushing water from the river and the chirping of the birds in the trees.  Everything was in harmony.  Even the sense of smell was being enticed by the sweet scents of flowers and cedars from the forest.  All our senses were alive in this terrestrial paradise.  I thought to myself, what a wonderful place this would be to come and learn Taekwon-do.

The Donghak-sa is over one thousand years old and is famous as a Buddhist nun’s college.  About 150 Buddhist nuns study Buddha’s words and disciplines here today.  Donghak-sa was built in 724, in the twenty-third year of King Sungduk’s reign in the Shilla Dynasty.  It was fitting that we visit this tranquil place before returning to Daejeon for the seminar and presentation.

As we were leaving, Mr. Morningstar said to me that he would love to come and spend time here.  Mr. Oh informed us that his grandfather had spent time at the Temple and their family had been generous with donations.  Once again, what wonderful possibilities were being presented to our organization.

A brief lunch next to a rice paddy and we are on our way back to Daejeon.  I must comment on some of the amazing flavours we got to taste.  I particularly like the nutty flavour and crunchiness of the silk worms!  The numerous varieties of kimchi were also great.

The seminar runs for a little more than three hours.  The instructors are exhausted having conducted promotion tests just prior to the seminar.

The instructors do not complain.  Like hungry men hungering for food, they listen to every word.  They ask questions of Mr. Morningstar and what I have seen happen so many times in Taekwon-do, language, nationality, religion, culture all disappear and everyone becomes one.  Everyone is living Taekwon-do.

Just prior to leaving the do-jang, I present Mr. Oh and his instructors with the plaque from our President.  Mr. Oh is a man of few words.  He simply says “Thank you”, but his emotions could clearly be seen in his eyes.  I know both Mr. Morningstar and I were proud to call these men and women our brothers and sisters.

After the presentation, we are off to dinner.  Once again, the food is excellent with plenty of variety.  If you have had kalbi before, imagine it cooking at your table on charcoal instead of gas.  The tastes of Korea are as explosive as the beauty of its people and land!  Several toasts with soju and we are on our way back to the hotel.

We awaken the next day, our fourth day now, at 5:00 AM.  We are on our way to Jeju Island.  We leave the hotel and after an hour in the car arrive to ChungJu International Airport.  It is located in Chung Cheong Buk Do.  We depart and spend the next forty minutes flying to Jeju Island.  The island is important for us as practitioners of Taekwon-do.  It is significant because it is where our founder General Choi Hong Hi first taught Taekwon-do to the 29th Infantry Division of the Korean Army, the military division he founded and secondly, because it is the birth place of our President, Master Choi Jung Hwa. 

About an hour from Jeju airport, we come to meet Mr. Kang Ho Nam.  He is a Provincial Assembly Representative.  He takes us about twenty minutes further to a fork in the road Daejungeup Sangmori, next to a pond, Nongdam pond where we see a monument that was first built by General Choi to commemorate the establishment of the 29th Infantry Division.  The 29th Infantry Division was founded for training the soldiers who had a love for country when the Korean War broke out.  We were told that the ‘old-timers’ say that in 1954, the Odo-Gwan was opened in this region and Taekwon-do was booming.

Mr. Kang Ho Nam is important to us because through his hard work and research he was able to uncover the burial site of the monument.  The monument had been ordered destroyed by a previous government.  On November 2, 2000, after 14 years of lobbying and working, Mr. Kang Ho Nam was able to get the permission and necessary funding to restore the monument to its former glory.  He wrote,

“Human-beings can move their domicile.  But they can’t veil their birth place.  Taekwon-do was certified by Ex-President Lee Sung Man in 1955.  On the official side, the birth place of Taekwon-do is not Hwadae(General Choi’s birth place) and not the Blue House (where Ex-President certified it).  It is Moseol-Pyo (in Jeju) where General Choi tried to teach Taekwon-do to the soldiers of the 29th Division.  Taekwon-do is the Korean Martial Art.”

The monument stands about thirty feet high.  It has a lava rock base with a three sided obelisk.  On each face written in calligraphy are General Choi’s words that he himself wrote.  At the top is the first design of our ITF crest, the outline of the peninsula of Korea with a clenched fist in the center.  The insignia was worn by our first brothers on their arms and was the symbol for the 29th Infantry Division.  We must never forget this as we put on our do-boks.  Our history started here and this memorial is a reminder of the proud heritage we share with our brothers when we wear our do-boks with the ITF insignia.

Mr. Morningstar and I had arrived.  We were both speechless recognizing the significance of this visit.  The monument we were looking at had been buried and would have been lost had it not been for Mr. Kang, Ho Nam’s indomitable spirit.  We were probably the first ITF people to see the monument after its restoration in November 2000. 

We are invited to lunch by Mr. Kang, Ho Nam at a tiny fishing village called Daejungeup.  The village lies between Sambong Mountain and the Sea of Korea.  The restaurant is clean and we are in for yet another treat, a sashimi lunch!  Outside to my left I see a light house standing proudly as a beacon for the fishermen, to the right, I see the beautiful Sambong Mountain.  The sashimi is served with many delicacies from the sea including abalone and squid.  It is so fresh it moves!  In fact, as I tried to chew a piece of squid, it moved in my mouth but with a little effort, I managed to catch it and swallow!  As the guest of honour, I am given a glass containing the gall bladder of the white snapper that had been prepared for us.  I toast our host and with a ‘kamsa ham nida’ for all his efforts for keeping our ITF history alive in Korea, we drink!  It did not taste so bad.  In fact, it was a little better than the eel bile I had one night with a dinner of roasted eel.  By the way, for those a little less adventurous than me when it comes to food, , you do have western foods, MacDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Burger King, Outback Steakhouse…………..

Our new found brother Mr. Kang Ho Nam invites us back to his place for coffee.  We follow him to where we first met.  We are introduced to his wife, daughter and beautiful 10 month old granddaughter.  Mr. Kang is a lucky man, I think to myself, living on a beautiful island, a wonderful family and so close to where all of Taekwon-do began.

While our visit to Jeju was to meet Mr. Kang and see the memorial, there was a Korean Junior WTF National Championship which was being held in Jeju.  We were invited to attend and accordingly journeyed to the Championship.  When we arrived, we were introduced to various President’s of Provincial Taekwon-do Federations.  We were taken into the competition and seated at the front center seats of honour.  Here we were, at a Korean National WTF Junior Championship of the various provinces in Korea as guests of honour.  I would never have believed it, if I had not been the one sitting their watching it.  I also had the pleasure of meeting many people at the Championship.  Of particular importance was the President of the Jejudo Taekwon-do Association, Mr. Woo-Bang Koh.  He is also a Board Member of Korea Sports Council.  We talked about the ITF Senior World Championship we were planning to have in Korea.  He was very supportive of our ideas.  We were also invited by several President’s to local provincial competitions which were coming up in August.  As word spread as to who we were, everyone became interested in finding out more about us and why we were there.  We were treated with respect and honour and once again in a truly martial art way, made to feel at home.  Another historic visit!

Upon our return to Daejeon that night, Mr. Oh tells us that our trip had been an overwhelming success.  He had received a call from Jeju saying that we had made a very good impression on our hosts.  Mr. Woo-Bang Koh is a good man.  I am sure we will be working together for the benefit of our organizations in the future.  It is now 9:30 PM.  With a cup of ginseng tea I retire for the night.  It has been another exhaustive day but I would do it all over again in a heart beat.

Our next day, day five, starts with a three hour train ride to Gyeongju.  We are now in the heart of the Shilla Dynasty the place famous for the Hwa Rangdo warrior.  The Hwa Rangdo became known in the peninsula for their courage and skill in battle, gaining respect from even their bitterest foes.  The strength they derived from their respect to their code enabled them to attain feats of valour that became legendary.  Many of these brave, young warriors died on fields of battle in the threshold of their youth.  The Korean Hwa Rangdo is thought to be the forerunner of the Japanese samurai.

Our ride by train is comfortable.  We pass several mountains, numerous rice paddies and finally arrive.  With a taxi, we make our way to our first stop, Bul guk sa.  The Bul-guk-sa was built in 528, the year after Buddhism was officially accepted by the Shilla Dynasty.  It has about 1,400 years of history and has been an important Buddhist seminary in Korea.

While at the temple, a Buddhist monk hands me a black clay tile and a marker.  He tells me to write a prayer on the tile and that it will be used with the other tiles one day to restore the roof of the temple. All prayers are answered I am told so, I write,

“ITF Taekwon-do, bring it and Master Choi Jung Hwa home in peace.”

Our sixth day is our last day.  Unfortunately, little happens other than our trip back to Incheon from Daejeon, then Vancouver and then Toronto.

Our time in Korea was brief in terms of time but filled with history and history making events.  Clearly, being in Korea gave us a new appreciation for our founder, his roots and our heritage as martial artists.  It made me feel sad to know that the founder, someone I had known personally died without him knowing that we were back home.  I took solace however in knowing that we were there for him and his son.  I will return one day to Korea and I hope that everyone reading this article at some point in their lives gets an opportunity to visit this beautiful land of culture and history.

I am now sitting waiting for our flight from Vancouver to Toronto.  I slept most of the way from Incheon to Vancouver.  I sit here and ask myself what did I accomplish on this trip for the ITF?  I know what it did for me but what about our Federation?

1.   I shared many hours with Mr. Oh gaining a great deal of insight in the ways of martial artists in Korea.

2.   I learned first hand of the incredible work that is going on in Korea to bring ITF back.

3.   I participated in the opening of the first ITF do-jang in Korea.

4.   I visited the Kukkiwon as an ITF official and exchanged some thoughts on our future.

5.   I visited Jeju Island and visited the memorial built by General Choi, a symbol of our history in Jeju, Korea.

6.   I attended a WTF Korea Junior Championship as a guest of honour.

7.   Our presence as ITF was recognized as significant by our hosts.

At the end of it all, I know in my heart General Choi is smiling down on us and his son for having done something many thought impossible.  I am sure with his spiritual guidance, our President Choi, Jung Hwa will bring us to new heights in the years to come.

Michael A. Tibollo


International Taekwon-do Federation

June 6, 2003

We have received word from ITF Korea that the honorable Vice President Mr. Michael Tibollo  and Mr.  Michael Morningstar had a successful  visit to Taejon South Korea. This truly momentous visit to Taejon will certainly be remembered as one of the brightest days in the history of the International Taekwon-Do Federation. The ITF would like to welcome our ambassadors back with open arms and wish them a congratulations on a job well done.

Mr. Tibollo will be providing a report in the days to come on this historic visit that we will be posting here at ITF Online for all members to view.

Welcome Home Gentlemen!

June 5, 2003

See Below for photos of the recent IIC in Wetzlar, Germany with Master Choi, Jung Hwa

Please Click on the Below Images to see full size

June 5, 2003

Please see below for a report on the recent Taekwon-Do Association of Canada Western ITF Championships

May 31st, 2003 TAC Western Regional Tournament

Hosted By Merritt Taekwon-Do

Competitors from all over the British Columbia and Alberta Area traveled to Merritt this past weekend to compete in the TAC Western Regional Championships; with the overwhelming support from the local businesses the event was a huge success! Most importantly the tournament gave everyone the opportunity to make new friends and to share their enthusiasm and dedication for the art of ITF Taekwon-Do.

T. Borneman

Warrior Spirit Martial Arts

June 4, 2003

The ITF is proud to announce the promotion of Per Christian Garnaes to the rank of 7th Dan Master of the International Taekwon-Do Federation on the 9th day of May, 2003.

Congratulations Master Per Christian Garnaes

June 4, 2003

Please See Below for an report on the recent IIC Seminar in Germany

On May 10th & 11th Master Choi Jung Hwa conducted a special Two Day Seminar hosted by the National Association of Germany President Mr. Toni Martella.

The seminar featured over 150 participants in the two days from Belgium, England, Italy, Czech Republic, Russia and Germany. The seminar covered patterns from Chon-Ji to Eui-Am as well as taking time to explain and practice many of the fundamental exercises of the patterns in between. Many people were amazed to see the skill and power in the hands and feet of Master Choi Jung Hwa. Another great benefit was Master Choi’s attention to detail. All the members who attended the seminar received excellent instruction and greatly appreciated the time and dedication given by Master Choi. At the end of the first day there was a Team Pattern demonstration by Mr. Martellas little Dragon red belt students in honour of the coming of the ITF President.

At the end of the seminar there was a promotional grading where Ms. Barbara  Siraut (Belgium) and Mr. Tajinder Sahota (England) were promoted to 4th Dan and Mr. Lazus Tsilfides (Russia) was promoted to 6th Dan. This seminar once again demonstrates the knowledge and power of our president. Thank you Master Choi for this wonderful experience! The National Association of Germany will be hosting the German Open in a few weeks and they hope to see everyone come out again.


S. Legrow

June 2, 2003

Please See Below for an Update on the Progress of the Scientific Research Committee

Scientific Research Committee – an update

Dear Members,

Thank you to all who sent their applications for the Research Officer position. So far we have received forms from Canada, USA and Australia. The applicants demonstrated very good quality and experience in research and possess doctorate degrees in various areas. The application is still open and we would like to encourage other members to apply if they possess the required skills. We are specifically looking for candidates from other continents/countries such as South America, Asia and Europe who in addition to English, speak other language(s). We also received applications from some members who did not fulfil all criteria, however demonstrated very good experience in Taekwon-Do, research work and are university graduates. These members will be involved in supporting the Research Officer’s work by acting as Research Assistants. At the moment the Scientific Research Committee is working on the directions, tasks and short and long term goals for our Committee. This work will be concluded by the end of 2003. The Committee will be launching its first big event prior to the 2004 Senior World Championships in South Korea. If you want to be a part of this Committee and possess the ability to assist in research, we encourage you to lodge an application form as soon as possible. The information about the directions and work of the committee as well as the names of the officers and research assistants will be available by the end of 2003.

Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee

Zbigniew (Zibby) Kruk (PhD)

June 1, 2003

Please See Below for an informative Report and Highlights of the recent 1st PROTAE-ITF Puerto Rico Open and University International Taekwon-Do Mayor’s Cup

First PROTAE-ITF Puerto Rico Open & University International Taekwon-Do Mayor’s Cup May 25, 2003 was a Great Success. About Over 200 competitor’s from diverse cities and towns of Puerto Rico came to the City of Lares to participate in first time event that united practitioner’s from the ITF, GTF and Karate in a atmosphere of friendship and cooperation. Unfortunately the participants from the United States of the Royal TaeKwon-Do Academy (PROTAE-USA) could not make it due to their participation in activities of the Hispanic community in the City of Buffalo, NY. Those who enrolled from Puerto Rico where from the cities of San Juan, Bayamon, Caguas, Cayey, Arecibo, Naranjito, Moca, Aguadillas, Aguada, San Sebastian, Camuy, Adjuntas, Hatillo, Quebradillas, Isabela and Lares.

Our special guests included Mr. Sixto Solano, V Dan (ITF World Champion), Mr. Albert Camacho, IV Dan (President DTU-ITF), Mr. Luis Frieter, IV Dan, Mr. Alfredo Hernandez, III Dan (President Western TKD – GTF) and others. The event was dedicated to Mr. Luis A. Raices for this dedication with the Lares Municipal TaeKwon-Do Program ran by PROTAE-ITF.

Three of the highlight of the event was when Mr. Edwin Santiago and Mr. Eduardo Ortiz of PROTAE-ITF from the City of Lares received from Mr. Camacho, Mr. Frieter and Mr. Muniz their I Dan Certificate sign by the ITF President Master Choi Jung Hwa, being them the first in Puerto Rico to receive this distinction, and the sparring matches of the local favorites Miss Francis Hernandez, I Dan and Mr. Rene J. Santiago from PROTAE-ITF with competitor’s from DTU-ITF in which all the spectator’s got into these matches chanting for their favorites. The winner of the International Mayor’s Cup was for DTU-ITF (39 pts), second place was for PROTAE-ITF (37 pts) and 3rd place was for GTF (19 pts).  As the host I’m grateful for all who help us in this event especially the Mayor of Lares, Hon. Luis A. Oliver, Mr. Edgar Santiago, Mr. Christian Rodriguez and the staff of DTU-ITF, Mr. Albert Camacho, Mr. Norber Ortiz, Mr. John Rodriguez and Mrs. Virginia Gonzalez and others that without their help it would have been difficult to achieve this Success. We will send pictures soon.

Yours in TaeKwon-Do,

Mr. Andres Muniz,


INO # 16

Scientific Research Committee Application

Dear Fellow Taekwon-Do Practitioners,

The Scientific Research Committee of the International Taekwon-Do Federation is seeking talented and motivated members who have the capacity, skills and willingness to work voluntarily as Research Officers. The successful candidates will report directly to the Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee and will be required to participate in various research programs/projects designed and conducted by the Scientific Research Committee. The Research Officers will assist the Chairman of the Research Committee in the development of specific research programs/projects, collection of data, preparation of publications for scientific journals, conducting systematic literature reviews etc. Other roles may include the assistance in setting up an international research network, maintaining scientific databases and assisting in project-wide activities. To be considered for the Research Officer position the candidate must posses the following skills:

Essential criteria:

· Minimum of Certified First Degree Black Belt (1st Dan) in Taekwon-Do ITF,

· Ability to communicate effectively in English,

· Tertiary qualifications,

· A strong record of research-based publications,

· Ability to work within a research group under the direction of its supervisor,

· Computing skills and access to the internet,

· Ability to maintain confidentiality at all times.

Desirable Criteria:

· International Instructor and/or International Referee Certificate,

· Proven participation in any ITF research based activity (publications, articles, CD-ROM, demonstration, awards etc.),

· Work as a researcher in a scientific institution,

· Ability to introduce and utilise modern research techniques,

· Ability to communicate in a language other than English.

Interested candidates should fill in the “Research Officer Application Form” addressing all essential criteria as listed above and send to: the Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee. Further information relating to this position may be obtained from the Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee. There is no time limit for the application as the Scientific Research Committee will be constantly updating its membership database and appointing officers based on the candidate merit and Committee workload.

Zbigniew A. (Zibby) Kruk (Ph.D.)

Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee

International Taekwon-Do Federation

[email protected]

Download the Research Officer Application Form Here

May ITF News

May 29, 2003

Meeting of European Delegates

There will be a meeting of European Delegates at 11.00am on Monday 23rd June 2003 at:

The Quality Hotel
Karl- Kellner-Ring 40
35576 Wetzlar Germany.
Tel. +49 6441 906 000
Fax. +49 6441 906 111

All INO members are invited to attend, however you are required to register for the event in order that appropriate arrangements can be made.

May 28, 2003

This Morning on Air Canada Flight #169, The Vice President & Legal Advisor of the International Taekwon-Do Federation; Mr. Michael Tibollo ( Barrister at Law ) & Mr. Michael Morningstar departed for Taejon, South Korea  by Invitation from Mr. Oh, Chang Jin of I.T.F.-KOREA. During this historical visit they will be meeting with Politicians, conducting training and instructional seminars as well as finalizing the Venue for the ITF World Championships to be held in South Korea in 2004. This is a great step forward for the ITF and we wish them a safe journey.

April ITF News

April 18, 2003

The International Taekwon-Do Federation under its honorable President Master Choi, Jung Hwa 8th Degree Black Belt has embarked upon an exciting new journey.

-The International Taekwon-Do Federation DVD-

The ITF has begun production on the development of a new learning/instructing tool for Instructors and students alike, this tool will preserve the heritage of Taekwon-Do as it was developed by its founder, General Choi, Hong Hi while aiding to launch the ITF into the modern technological era. The ITF-Online website will be posting information and developments of this exciting new Project as they occur, so keep posted for the latest information.

Master Choi, Jung Hwa will be directly overseeing the development of this project and guiding the DVD as the production develops, with this project Master Choi brings the ITF into the future as he promised he would. This is the first step of many we take into the 21st Century together.

It is a bright day in the International Taekwon-Do Federation.

April 14, 2003

The ITF is proud to announce the promotions of John Roussel and Richard Parris to rank of 7th Dan Master in the International Taekwon-Do Federation.

April 11, 2003


April 10, 2003

For all those traveling to Oakville, ON to attend the International Instructors Seminar and Taekwon-Do Birthday Banquet, ITF-Online would like to wish everyone a safe journey, and hope that all have a fantastic time training with Master Choi. Jung Hwa at this momentous event.


ITF-Online Webmaster

April 9, 2003

Our first donation to the upcoming ITF-Online Photo Gallery, please click on the image for a larger picture.

April 6, 2003

Dear Fellow Taekwon-Do Practitioners,

The Scientific Research Committee of the International Taekwon-Do Federation is seeking talented and motivated members who have the capacity, skills and willingness to work voluntarily as Research Officers. The successful candidates will report directly to the Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee and will be required to participate in various research programs/projects designed and conducted by the Scientific Research Committee. The Research Officers will assist the Chairman of the Research Committee in the development of specific research programs/projects, collection of data, preparation of publications for scientific journals, conducting systematic literature reviews etc. Other roles may include the assistance in setting up an international research network, maintaining scientific databases and assisting in project-wide activities. To be considered for the Research Officer position the candidate must posses the following skills:

Essential criteria:

· Minimum of Certified First Degree Black Belt (1st Dan) in Taekwon-Do ITF,

· Ability to communicate effectively in English,

· Tertiary qualifications,

· A strong record of research-based publications,

· Ability to work within a research group under the direction of its supervisor,

· Computing skills and access to the internet,

· Ability to maintain confidentiality at all times.

Desirable Criteria:

· International Instructor and/or International Referee Certificate,

· Proven participation in any ITF research based activity (publications, articles, CD-ROM, demonstration, awards etc.),

· Work as a researcher in a scientific institution,

· Ability to introduce and utilise modern research techniques,

· Ability to communicate in a language other than English.

Interested candidates should fill in the “Research Officer Application Form” addressing all essential criteria as listed above and send to: the Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee. Further information relating to this position may be obtained from the Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee. There is no time limit for the application as the Scientific Research Committee will be constantly updating its membership database and appointing officers based on the candidate merit and Committee workload.

Zbigniew A. (Zibby) Kruk (Ph.D.)

Chairman of the Scientific Research Committee

International Taekwon-Do Federation

Download the Research Officer Application Form Here

March 22, 2003 – From the President of the I.T.F.

Due to the current state of affairs in the United States, it has become necessary to postpone the 2003 World Games, which were to be held in September of this year. It is our goal as an organization to ensure that our competitions maintain the credibility that our members have come to expect. It has been over six months and people are finding it extremely difficult to obtain Visa’s needed to enter the US. Now, with the outbreak of war, this process is sure to become even more difficult and in many cases, simply impossible.

The 2004 Senior World Championships will not be affected. SEE YOU IN KOREA!!

March 16, 2003 – In response to many requests, a new payment summary form (spreadsheet) has been created to clarify the correct apportionment of payments for ITF Items. This is now available at the ITF Administration site ( ) secure download area. With immediate effect, please include a printed copy of the summary sheet with all application submissions.

March 16, 2003 – A caution to Mr. B. Rivera of Puerto Rico regarding the trademarks and other intellectual property of the ITF.

Click Here to View

March 14, 2003 – The new constitution of the ITF as approved unanimously in Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2003.

Click Here to View the Constitution

March 5, 2003 – ITF-Online is launched by the International Taekwon-Do Federation ( ITF ) as an information source for members of the ITF and Taekwon-Do Practitioners of the world to interact  with one another.

For Previous ITF News please visit the ITF Administration website at or by clicking on the ITF Administration link in the main menu (above)

ITF Administration Notices

December 12, 2002 – Senior World Championships announced for August, 2004. Host Country South Korea

TORONTO, CANADA 10 JANUARY, 2003 On January 7, 2003, the International Taekwon-do Federation headquartered in Brampton, Ontario, Canada, retained the services of Messrs. Alan J. Lenczner Q.C, of the law firm of Lenczner, Slaght, Royce, Smith, Griffin, Barristers, and Nicholas C. Tibollo Barrister, to respond to certain allegations raised in court proceedings commenced in Toronto, Canada, by a group purporting to represent the International Taekwon-do Federation headquartered in Vienna, Austria.
We wish to assure membership that all steps will be taken to secure the future of our Federation and prevent any future abuses by those purporting to have authority over the International Taekwon-do Federation.

February 5, 2004

Message from ITF Headquarters

The Following ISD/INO Members will not be renewed for 2004 Season and as such are not registered members of the International TaeKwon-Do Federation.

Master John Roussel (ISD)

Please note that all INO and ISD renewals are now due, please ensure to contact ITF Administration as per this website or the ITF-Admin website ( to renew your membership.

February 3, 2004

Please see Below for an important letter from Master Nestor Galarraga, Chairman of the Tournament and Umpire Committee regarding the Upcoming XIII ITF Senior World Championships and VII Junior World Championships. Also see below for a report on the recent Champions of the year 2003 event hosted by ITF Belgium


Dear Members of the International Taekwon-do Federation

On behalf of the ITF Tournament Committee I have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the XIII ITF Senior World Championship and in the VII ITF Junior World Championship, a combined event which will be held between 14Th and 19th October 2004 in Daejeon City, South Korea.

For the first time in history, these two Championships will share the same venue; also Taekwon-do comes back to its homeland, where its fundamental beginnings are and the place where our martial art took its first steps.

This World Championship will allow for each country to send three competitors for each category, as well as one male and female team.

In my following correspondence you will receive detailed information about the continuing development of the competition and information regarding the organization of the championship.

The order of the competition will follow the official rules of the ITF. The junior competition will open the event, please take into account to compete in the junior category all competitors must be 17 yrs or under during the 2004 year, and competitors who compete in the Junior Championship are ineligible to compete in the senior category.

It is of the utmost importance that all participating countries send their confirmation of participation to the Tournament and Umpire Committee immediately, please indicate clearly if you will be sending juniors, adults, female, male, individual and team to participate. This information is important to ensure a smooth running competition.

I would like to thank to the Organizing Committee for their hard work in making this championship an exciting and successful event, and I would like to wish them success in this endeavor.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at your earliest convenience; for the fist time our hosting country will see the best of our competitors and the real spirit of ITF Taekwon-do.

Best wishes,

Master Nestor Galarraga

Chairman Tournament & Umpire Committee ITF

[email protected]


Estimados Miembros de la

Federación Internacional de Taekwon-do

En nombre del Comité de Torneos de la I.T.F tengo el agrado de invitarlos a participar al XIII Campeonato Mundial Senior y al VII Campeonato Mundial Junior, que se llevaran a cabo entre los dias14 y 19 de Octubre del 2004 en la ciudad de Daejeon, Corea del Sur.

Por primera vez en la historia, estos dos Campeonatos compartirán la misma sede, y también el Taekwon-do vuelve a su tierra natal, donde se encuentra su piedra fundamental y el sitio donde dimos los primeros pasos.

Este Campeonato Mundial, tendrá características muy particulares, ya que en él, podrán intervenir tres competidores por categoría, por país; y un equipo masculino y femenino.

En mis próximas cartas encontraran información detallada acerca del desarrollo de toda la competencia y por supuesto todo lo referente a la organización.

El orden de la competencia será seguido íntegramente como lo marca nuestro reglamento oficial. Los competidores juveniles, serán los encargados de abrir el evento teniendo en cuenta que él limite de edad para competir en esta categoría es de hasta 18 años cumplidos durante el año 2004 y que los competidores que participen en juvenil, no lo podrán hacerlo en la categoría de adultos.

Es absolutamente necesario que todos los países envíen en carácter de urgencia, la confirmación de participación, a este Comité, indicando claramente si participaran en juveniles, adultos, femenino, masculino, en individual y por equipo.

Esta información es imprescindible para establecer pautas claras de organización, para el buen desenvolvimiento de toda la competencia.

Quiero agradecer al Comité Organizador por los esfuerzos que están realizando para llevar adelante este evento y desearle el mayor de los éxitos.

A partir de hoy quedamos en contacto permanente, por favor consúltenme ante cualquier duda; ya que trabajando juntos haremos que en esta oportunidad, nuestros anfitriones disfruten por primera vez de lo mejor de nuestros competidores y del autentico espíritu del Taekwon-do I.T.F.

Les mando un abrazo y hasta mi próxima carta.

Master Néstor Galarraga

Director de Torneos y Árbitros de ITF

[email protected]

Report from ITF Belgium on the Champions of the year 2003On January 17th 2004 we celebrated the Champions of the Year 2003.The Federation organised a great party in our favorite Greek restaurant Acropolis in Tervuren near Brussels to celebrate our champions.During the year 2003 we won 26 Golden medals, 20 of them were won abroad. We went to Spain, Ireland, Germany ( twice ) and to France.Fifteen of our students were selected as champions and were congratulated for their prestation. The best of the year 2003 is Valesca den Boer, she won 6 Gold medals abroad.Sabum Barbara also received a gift from her students namely the legacy in crystal with the fist of General Choi Hong Hi. Another gift was a handwriten Taekwon-do and Do San work on special Japanese paper. After the ceremony it was time for a dinner, a drink and Greek dances.ITF Belgium now starts preparing the seminar with Master Choi Jung Hwa in May 2004.

Barbara Siraut
President Taekwon-Do I.T.F. Belgium vzw/asbl
Oppemstraat 68
3080 Tervuren
Tel/fax : +32 2 767 87 73
Gsm : 0474 47 80 40
E-mail : [email protected]
website :

January ITF News

January 21, 2004

ITF Masters Class DVD Series UPDATE!!

The ITF Masters Class DVD Series, which will be unveiled this April now has a preview trailer on the Master Class Area of this website.

To Go directly to the Masters Class DVD Series section of this website, click here

January 13, 2004

Please see below for a report and results on the Irish Open and Celtic Cup Report as well as a report on the 20th Anniversary of the Imperial Taekwon-Do Association

20th Anniversary of the Imperial TaeKwon Do Association.
At the forefront of ITF Taekwon Do development in the UK

On the first of January 1983, Master Trevor Nicholls, (At the time fourth Degree Black Belt) Founded the Nicholls Tae Kwon-Do Institute, established in England as the Imperial Tae Kwon-Do Association. Also in 1983 founded the Irish School of Tae Kwon-Do, and in 1985, the Israeli School of Tae Kwon-Do.

Master Nicholls already an Instructor of high repute within the U.K.T.A. the British Association of the aforementioned International Tae Kwon-Do Federation, Master Nicholls, because of the negative side to politics ever present within the U.K.T.A., and the complexities of bureaucracy and its inevitable financial implications and antagonism among Instructors, decided to sacrifice his own material needs and devote himself entirely to the development of I.T.F TaeKwon Do. At this time there was only one School being Rayners Lane of approximately 50 students. Currently the Membership is in excess of 1000 students.

As of today schools in England comprise of two full time centres and a number of satellite schools directly affiliated with the Imperial TaeKwon Do Association. The I.T.A. are full Members of the British Tae Kwon-Do Council and have Sports Council recognition in the UK. Are proud to be affiliated to the I.T.F under Master Choi Jung Hwa.

Master Nicholls with over 30 years within the Art of Tae Kwon-Do has attained the accolade of seventh Degree Black Belt. Under his guidance and knowledge, within and about the Art of Tae Kwon-Do, the road ahead will continue on its upwards course. The standard of Master Nicholls’ teaching can only improve the student’s ability and understanding of our Art, already yielding I.T.F World Champions, International Instructors and Umpires. But it is under the guidance of such a leader that the Imperial TaeKwon Do Association’s, foundations have been laid, and looks to the future with hope and confidence, that it may continue to expand and flourish in the highest physical standard of Tae Kwon-Do in harmony with the highest moral and spiritual aims set out by General Choi Hong Hi many years ago………

The I.T.A. recently held a seminar hosted by Master Nicholls, in celebration of its 20 years.

Report by
Mark Skyrme V Degree
I.T.A. Secretary General

Irish Open and Celtic Cup Report

It was a case of “cead mile failte” (“one  hundred thousand welcomes”) as over 200 foreign competitors descended on Cork, Ireland’s second largest city, for this years Open Irish Championships. With a total of almost 600 entrants the Championships proved to be Ireland’s largest ever Taekwon Do tournament. The Saturday was reserved for Black Belt sparring and patterns as well as the Celtic Cup team events. Juniors and colour belts took centre stage on the Sunday. Both days ran extremely smoothly and punctually thanks to the tireless work of the organiser, Patricia Dalton, and to the invaluable efforts of the Irish and foreign judges and referees. All of the Saturday sparring sections were quite large, with up to 26 competitors in some weight categories. The host association (the Irish united Taekwon Do Federation) proved particularly strong in the individual sparring divisions while many of the placings in the black belt patterns were won by foreign competitors. In the Celtic Cup team sparring, Ireland (IUTF) won the ladies and both the junior boys and girls sections while Italy won the men’s section. The BUTF and PUMA equally won the greatest amount of placings from the foreign contingent with Belgium in third.

            IUTF Chairperson Don Dalton, 6th Dan, promised that next year’s event will be even bigger. According to him, “Each year we try to improve on the last. We evaluate our mistakes and strive to eradicate them the following year. Overall however we were especially happy with this year’s success. In 2004 we will have more sections, and there will be even a greater amount of foreign competitors. We will also try to hold some social events and tours. I think the Open Irish Championships and the Celtic Cup have now become a must attend competition for all serious competitors in Europe. We are already looking forward to meeting our many friends again in November 2004.”

Celtic Cup Results:

Junior Female: 1st: IUTF (Ireland), 2nd:PUMA (UK)

Junior Male: 1st: IUTF (Ireland), 2nd: Lyong Ho (Germany)

Senior Female: 1st: IUTF (Ireland), 2nd: PUMA (UK)

Senior Male: ITF Italy, 2nd: BUTF (UK)

Open Irish Championships:

Female Black Belt Tul:

1: Lucy Wolf (BUTF/UK)

2. Silvia Farigu (ITF Italy)

3. Fiona Gallagher Payet (TFI/Ireland)

Male 1st and 2nd Dan Tul:

  1. Gianluca Muscas (ITF Italy)
  2. Christopher Quenby (BUTF/UK)
  3. Valentino Atzeni (ITF Italy)

Male 3rd and 4th Dan Tul:

  1. Stephen Ryan (AITA/Ireland)
  2. Graham Connolly (GTF/Ireland)
  3. Lee Hollingsworth (Imperial TKD/UK)

Black Belt Female Matsogi:


1. Silvia Farigu (ITF Italy)

2. Alex Borkowska (Bytomic TKD/UK)

3. Joeann Mathews (PUMA/UK)


1. Claire o’ Sullivan (IUTF/Ireland)

2. Ruth McCarthy (IUTF/Ireland)

3. Norma Carroll (IUTF/Ireland)


1. Stacy Weatherer (PUMA/UK)

2. Aoife Foly (IUTF/ Ireland)

3. Fiona Gallagher Payet (TFI/Ireland)


  1. Kathy Dunne (IUTF/Ireland)
  2. Amy Fitzgerald (IUTF/Ireland)
  3. Orla O’ Shea (IUTF Ireland

Black Belt Male Matsogi:


1. Jonathan Dowling (IUTF/Ireland)

2. Abdul Rakib (BUTF/UK)

3. Valentino Atzeni (ITF Italy)


1. Mark Philpott (IUTF/Ireland)

2. Gianluca Muscas (ITF Italy)

3. Patrick O’ Sullivan (IUTF/Ireland)


1. Tim Murphy (IUTF Ireland)

2. Vincent Coakley (IUTF/Ireland)

3. Paul Cain (Bytomic TKD/UK)

-81 kg:

1. Padraig O’ Connor (IUTF/Ireland)

2. Daryl Aynes (Bytomic TKD/UK)

3. Fabio Caiazzo (ITF Italy)


  1. Vincenzo Santagatti (ITF Italy)
  2. Pascal Raeijmaekers (ITF Belgium)
  3. Kevin Larkin Junior (IUTF/Ireland)

January 3, 2004

Notice from ITF Administration to all active INO’s

Please send all INO Contact Information including Individual Addresses to the [email protected]

Thank You

December ITF News

December 17, 2003

See below for good new concerning one of our members

This is to inform the ITF community that SSgt Michael Munyon, the Armed Forces Representative of Master Wheatley’s USITF has returned safely from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait.  SSgt Munyon is a 4th degree black belt and during his time in South West Asia, SSgt Munyon conducted a series of Ho Sin Sul workshops for military personnel at Ali Al Salem Air Base in Kuwait. 

December 17, 2003

Recently the Taekwon-Do Association of Canada (TAC) had its year end Black Belt training in Oakville, ON. See below for a  photo from the event

December 4, 2003

Please see below for results and pictures from the recent 2003 ITF Goodwill Championships and the United National Championships.

Guilford High School was the venue for the 2003 ITF Goodwill Championship. Located in the heart of the Connecticut Shoreline, the event was the largest ITF event held the United States.

The event was hosted by Black Dragon Ltd of North Haven, CT. Tournament Director and organizer, Mr John Cacioli, reported that 554 competitors, from the USA, Canada and Jamaica took part in the November event. The following are the black belt winners of the championship:

1st Dan Pattern Male –

1 Jeremiah Woolwine USA

2 James Meyer USA

3 Scott Seguin Canada

3 Yuriy May USA

2nd Dan Pattern Male –

1 Jon Martel Canada

2 Jason Floyd USA

3 Nick Leblond Canada

3 John Barnes USA

3rd Dan Pattern Male –

1 Rob Benedetto USA

2 Bill Rosen USA

3 Mark Silva Canada

3 Gabrielle Choquette Canada

4th Dan Pattern Male –

1 Mike Albino USA

2 Mike Montero USA

3Andrew Cross USA

3 Jeremy Kempka USA

1st Dan Pattern Female-

1 Jessica Madri USA

2 Deb Maier Canada

3 Mary Seng USA

3 Rashida Larkin USA

2nd Dan Pattern Female –

1 A. Hicks USA

2 Kala Mathews USA

3 Andrea Sarda USA

3 Marion Winther USA

3rd/4th Dan Pattern Female –

1 Julie Goneau Canada

2 Alicia Stewart USA

3 Sheena Smith Canada

3 Desiree D’Angelo USA

Male Sparring Light –

1 Yuriy May USA

2 Nick Leblond Canada

3 Tim Roland Canada

3 Vinh Nguyen USA

Male Sparring Middle –

1 Andy Cross USA

2 John Barnes USA

3 Alex Gozun USA

3 Fabian Wiecha USA

Male Sparring Heavy –

1 Anton Lyn Jamaica

2 David Peru Canada

3 Brian Gaide USA

3 Jesse Schane USA

Male Sparring Hyper –

1 Josh Ramsey USA

2 Marc Silva Canada

3 Will Sealy USA

3 Jeremy Kempka USA

Female Sparring Light –

1 Desiree D’Angelo USA

2 Julie Goneau Canada

3 Sheena Smith Canada

3 Nichole Turoff USA

Female Sparring Middle –

1 Kala Mathews USA

2 Marion Winthers USA

3 Olga Kravchuk USA

3 Mary Seng USA

Female Sparring Heavy –

1 Andrea Sarda USA

2 Lynda Tolzman USA

3 Jessica Madri USA

3 Heather McKiney USA

Please see below for a report on the National United ITF Taekwon-Do Championships

National United ITF Taekwon-Do Championships – a report

Almost 100 Taekwon-Do ITF competitors from South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, ACT and NSW gathered together to compete in the 2003 United ITF National Championships which was held on Saturday the 22nd of November in the St Jays Recreation Centre, Salisbury, Adelaide.

This year’s Nationals were co-hosted by Australian Institute of Taekwon-Do and White Eagle schools, and their instructors Noel Keating and Zibby Kruk.

The competition began at 12 noon with individual and team patterns followed by individual and team sparring. Special techniques and power breaking were held in the evening.

The rank of competition attracted the attention not only competitors from interstate but also over 200 spectators who supported competitors until the very last performance concluded at 9.00 pm.

Many National team members were on show, with most performing impressively, and showing the benefits of the weekly squad training in preparation for the 2004 Junior and Senior World Championships, which commenced 3 months ago.

Black belt winners included:


Steve Morris (Thoroughbred), Evan Piper (Thoroughbred), Ben Harvey (Thoroughbred), Jonathan Allan (Thoroughbred), Joanna Kruk (White Eagle) , Rebecca Kolis (White Eagle), Leanne Vuong (White Eagle), Craig Harvey (Thoroughbred) , Hayley Scott (Thoroughbred), Taso Kollis (White Eagle)


Joanna Kruk (White Eagle) , Eva Plessing (AIT)

Power Breaking

Taso Kollis (White Eagle) , Evan Piper (Thoroughbred) , Joanna Kruk (White Eagle)

Special techniques

Joanna Kruk (White Eagle), Taso Kollis (White Eagle)

Team Patterns

Thoroughbred (Seniors), Thoroughbred (Juniors)

Team Sparring

Thoroughbred (Senior Males), White Eagle (Junior Males)

Best Overall Competitors:

Male – Taso Kollis (White Eagle), Joanna Kruk (White Eagle)

Umpire Course

The tournament was precluded by a Referee Course conducted on Friday the 21st of November by Michael Muleta, the President and Director of Tournaments of United ITF Australia, and Zibby Kruk, Technical Director.

They presented a multi-media presentation reviewing rules and regulations and judging of all ITF events, emphasizing the most important steps when running a national or international competition.

This referee course was also part of the Accreditation series of courses leading up to the forthcoming ITF Junior and Senior World Championships, which will be organized by Michael Muleta on behalf of United ITF Australia in 2006. This prestigious event will take place in Melbourne. The course attendees also underwent a practical examination, where they had to judge sections of a simulated competition. Their work was assessed on the next day during the National Championships.

United ITF Annual General Meeting

In the morning prior to the National Championships, the United ITF Annual General Meeting was held, where all the Executive Committee members and Sub-Committee Chairpersons presented their annual reports.  Many positive events came out of this meeting.

The President Mr. Michael Muleta announced that the organization has doubled in size over the last 12 months with continued growth expected in the coming months, by virtue of the many affiliation inquiries currently being processed.

An updated and improved version of the Constitution was accepted and some modifications to the Organizations Rules and Regulations for 2004.

The Secretary, Mr. Daniel Hickey, presented a survey which is being conducted of all United IT members, to ascertain their views on certain aspects of Taekwon-Do and allow them to have an input into the organizations policy and planning. The survey is part of a scientific statistical review being conducted by Mr. Hickey.

The Tournament director, Mr. Muleta, discussed progress in preparation for the 2006 World championships and detailed selection procedures and pre-requisites for the 2004 world championships to be held in Korea. The tournament Director also released the United ITF State National and International Tournament Schedule for the next 3 years.

The Technical Director summarized the activities conducted over the last 12 months, which included Seminars conducted in all Australian states by United ITF Senior members during the year, as well as International ITF President Master Choi Jung Hwa.

Other items appear in the minutes of the AGM, which all United ITF instructors will now have.

National Training Camp

The next major event of United ITF is the National Training Camp being held at Portsea, Victoria over the Labour Day long weekend March 5th-8th, 2004.

The event is open to all ITF practitioners of all ages and ranks.

Members of other ITF groups are also welcome to attend.

The highlight of this year’s camp will be the attendance of All National Junior and senior Squad Members.

The Camp is the highlight of the Taekwon-Do year.

It will the first time that all of Australia’s leading instructors and coaches will be assembled for the training experience of a life-time.

Contact Camp Director and United ITF President Michael Muleta (0419 321 732 or [email protected]) for further details and registration forms. A Degree Grading will also be held at Camp

November ITF News

November 26, 2003

Notices From ITF Administration

1. The 2004 World Championships date has been moved to October 14 – 19, 2004, please make note.

2. All INO’s who will be attending the 2004 World Championships please contact the ITF Tournament Director A.S.A.P. to ensure all materials are received in a timely manner, email address can be found on the ITF Board section of this site

3. The ITF is pleased to announce that the 2004 World Championships will be a combined senior & junior event. 

It is intended that this historic tournament, will mark the triumphant return of ITF Taekwon-do to the country of its birth.  This will certainly be a spectacle not to be missed!

Please see the Masters Class DVD section of this website for a report on the production by Dr. Z. Kruk

Please see below for a summary on the 10th Anniversary of White Eagle ITF Taekwon-Do provided by Dr. Kruk

10Th Anniversary of White Eagle ITF Taekwon-Do Dojang – a decade of White Eagle soaring high

Time flies when you’re having fun. It seems like it was yesterday when Zibby Kruk a Taekwon-do ITF instructor from Poland opened his club, White Eagle ITF Taekwon-Do Dojang in the Burton Community House in November 1993. With only 3 students at the beginning, 10 years later the club has become a great success and a great contribution not only to the community in Salisbury but also has marked Adelaide permanently on a national and international arena. Today the club comprises more than 40 students with more than 200 members associated along time. Over the years the group attended many public functions, performed demonstrations entertaining viewers with fantastic skills of its members. In the sport arena the club has become one of the best ITF clubs in Australia with many state, national, Australasian and world champions. Intensive training, superior training methods and technical skills of the students have allowed many junior rank competitors (white/yellow belt) win titles even against very advanced black bets from other clubs. The success in the sporting arena has its great significance, as Joanna Kruk, a club member, has become the most successful ITF practitioner in the history of the Australian Taekwon-Do ITF. Joanna won 1 gold and 2 silver medals for Australia in the Junior World Championships in Argentina 2002. Another significant international success was during the Asian Games in Kazakhstan. The White Eagle student Ben Gursansky, was the only Australian representing our country and wining bronze in the hyper heavy weight division in sparring.

“Sport is not the only aspect of Taekwon-Do” says Zibby Kruk. “Taekwon-Do ITF is a Martial Art created by a general of Korean army Choi Hong Hi (1918-2002) which, through its tenets, strongly emphasises such aspects as courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit”. During this 10 year-time Taekwon-Do training has positively influenced many students, promoting right attitude especially among teenagers, shaping their characters and boosting confidence of the students who had to perform in front of the public or facing class when teaching or presenting. We have had many members from a broad variety of ethnic and professional backgrounds, walks of life, physical abilities and ages. All enjoy training which improves their fitness, coordination, flexibility, and strength, at the same time teaches self-defence skills in a safe and friendly environment. These days many young boys and girls avoid sport, spending hours in front of the computer or TV.  Obesity and other  activity-lack disorders among our young population are alarming. Taekwon-Do training can be an option for physical activity and new motivation for students. We have a lot of fun during trainings, performing techniques, acting etc. I try to utilise student’s individual skills and ideas motivating them to think, develop their own technical combinations or acting actions. They love it. More interestingly, many of the students are also top school students. Some people say that martial arts are for young people only. I strongly disagree with this statement. We have a separate group for children and another for adults which vary in age between 14 – 55 years of age.  Of course, all have different goals to achieve and properly structured sessions help them to reach their objectives.

Looking into the future, I am very confident that in the next decade we have many advanced students who can carry on the positive aspects of Taekwon-Do and spread it. For example my assistant Taso Kollis came to the Burton Community House at the first training session and today he is a 3rd degree black belt, very experienced competitor and assistant instructor. We have many internationally qualified black belts who can run classes and in a sporting arena represent Australia successfully in the nearest future. On this occasion we would like to thank all our supporters, sponsors and parents for their input as without them the success of our club would not be possible to such an extent. We hope to continue this successful cooperation for the next decades to come. Everybody can be a part of it, you only have to make a first step – come and attend the class.

October ITF News

October 28, 2003

Due to unforeseen circumstances the International Instructors Course planned for November 7,8,9, 2003 in Calgary, AB has been postponed to April 2,3,4 2004.

Please contact the event host for details on the upcoming April Seminar.

October 14, 2003

Upcoming 2nd European INO Meeting to be held in Ireland

Location will be Cork City during the Celtic Cup, in the the Lee Room of the Jury’s Inn Cork Hotel at 10am Saturday November 8, 2003

To prepare for the meeting please send your questions to be discussed to [email protected] before November 1, 2003

Barbara Siraut
President Taekwon-Do I.T.F. Belgium vzw/asbl
Oppemstraat 68
3080 Tervuren
Tel/fax : +32 2 767 87 73
Gsm : 0474 47 80 40
E-mail : [email protected]
website :

September ITF News

September 25, 2003

See below for a report and photos of Master Choi, Jung Hwa recent South American Tour.

On September 2, 2003 President of the International Taekwon-Do Federation Master Choi, Jung Hwa along with assistant Mr. Chris Howes departed for Buenos Ares to begin a two week tour of South America conducting Seminars, meeting with the press, welcoming aboard new member dojangs and planning the upcoming 2004 World Championships to be held in Daejon City, South Korea.

Master Nestor Galarraga, along with many of the local Instructors greeted Master Choi and Mr. Howes at the airport and from there the tour began. The first few days in Buenos Ares were spent in planning the upcoming World Championships. It was decided that due to the tremendous significance of the true Taekwon-Do’s return to South Korea for the upcoming 2004 World Championships to combine both the Junior and Senior World Championships into one. Master Galarraga, Chairman of the tournament committee put forth the notion to Master Choi and it was decided to give Taekwon-Do practitioners of all ages the opportunity to return to Taekwon-Do’s birthplace.

After meeting with the press to discuss the future events of Taekwon-Do as well as many magazines to conduct interviews the 1st Seminar began. The event was astounding! over 300 Black Belt attendees traveled from all over South America to train with Taekwon-Do’s only son, Master Choi, Jung Hwa. The excitement of the attendees was overwhelming. The second Seminar was also full capacity and the excitement was just as strong. Master Choi covered basic techniques and also moved into high level pattern training. on the final day of the Buenos Ares visit a grading was conducted for 4th Dan to 6th Dan by Master Choi that was phenomenal to behold. All candidates promoted with high marks.

After the first 2 seminars were complete, Master Choi and Mr. Howes then moved onto Rio De Janeiro accompanied by Master Galaragga and Mr. Jose Maidana to welcome aboard new member Dojangs and conduct yet another seminar and press conference. Once again the enthusiasm of the seminar attendees was overwhelming.

The tour concluded after 2 weeks, and a fond farewell at the airport. Master Choi, Jung Hwa demonstrated his leadership and knowledge like only a true master can. The South American ITF community were tremendous hosts and the ITF looks forward to Master Choi’s next visit.

Please see below for photos of the event.

Beunos Ares

Rio De Janeiro

September 18, 2003

Regarding the recent expulsion of Mr. Kong, Young Il VIth Dan

Mr. Kong, Young Il ITF VIth Dan has been expelled from the International Taekwon-Do Federation for conduct unbecoming a member of the International Taekwon-Do Federation and causing embarrassment to those qualified Dan Holders and Masters around the world, thereby denigrating the martial arts in general.

For continued lack of moral and ethics s a “senior” practitioner and alleged repeated questionable and illegal business practices in the name of the International Taekwon-Do Federation, thereby causing confusion and harm to ITF-Korea.

For further details ITF-Korea can be contacted.

September 15, 2003

A Message of condolence from ITF Online

ITF Online would like to extend its condolences to Master Richard Parris, who’s father passed away last Friday. Our thoughts and our hearts go out to him.

September 14, 2003

Notice regarding INO annual Renewals.

INO and ISD Renewals are based on each calendar year, and as such. Memberships are based on a term membership of January to December of each year.

The Following INO members will not be renewed for the 2004 term.

Master Mel Steiner ITF 7th Dan

Mr. Joe Cariati ITF 6th Dan

Mr. Dan Simard ITF 4th Dan

The Following ITF Member has been expelled from the International Taekwon-Do Federation

Mr. Kong, Young Il ITF 6th Dan

For any Questions or concerns contact the Headquarters of the International Taekwon-Do Federation

August ITF News

August 30, 2003  

Dear instructor

On behalf of the International Taekwon-do Federation I have the honour to invite you to the First South American Championship of ITF Taekwon-do that will be held in Foz de Iguazú city, Brazil, between 16 and 17th of November of 2003.

For this opportunity the chosen place will be the RAFAIN Palace Hotel and Convention Center, located strategically close to the main tourist attractive of Foz de Iguazú; exclusiveness, comfort, security and contact with nature, American bar, international Cuisine, sauna, business center, tourist agency, 60.000 m2 of native forest 4 swimming pool, 2 football grounds, tennis court, sports center and sound volleyball ground totally illuminated, roasters and path for walking. It is provided also with rooms for lecture and the RAFAIN EXPOCENTER, a space of 3.000 m2 with central air conditioning system, infrastructure of energy and communications where the competition of the First South American Championship of ITF Taekwon-do will be developed.

The competition will be for competitors of all COLORS BELTS (GUPS) and BLACK BELT and it will be permitted only one team for each country.

You will receive the details with regard to the general costs of all the competition soon or you can find them in our Web Site

Without a doubt this competition will become in a historical event for the world of the ITF Taekwon-do because in this opportunity we will realize the competition together with the first meeting for the creation of the South American Federation of ITF Taekwon-do.

As always a new challenge will do that we work with the responsibility and seriousness that are characteristic of us to achieve that this tournament will become in a real sport party.

Of course and in advance I welcome you to the First South American Championship.

Best wishes and we are in touch.

Yours in Taekwon-do.

Master Néstor Galarraga

Chairman Tournament Committee I.T.F.

Invitación Oficial al Primer

Estimado Instructor

En nombre de la International Taekwon-Do Federation tengo el honor de invitarlo al Primer Campeonato Sudamericano de Taekwon-Do I.T.F. que se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Foz de Iguazú, Brasil, entre los días 16 y 17 de Noviembre de 2003.

Para esta oportunidad el lugar elegido será el RAFAIN Palace Hotel y Convention Center, ubicado estratégicamente junto a los principales atractivos turísticos de Foz de Iguazú, exclusividad, confort, seguridad y contacto con la naturaleza, bar americano, cocina internacional, sauna, business center, agencia de turismo, 60.000 m2 de bosque nativo, 4 piletas de natación, 2 canchas de fútbol, cancha de tenis, polideportivo y cancha de voley de arena totalmente iluminados, asadores y senderos para caminatas. Cuanta también con salones de conferencias y el Rafain Expocenter un espacio de 3.000 m2 con sistema de aire acondicionado central, infraestructura de energía y comunicaciones, donde se desarrollara la competencia del Primer Campeonato Sudamericano – Taekwon-Do ITF.

La competencia será para competidores de todas las categorías Gups y Danes y se permitirá un sólo equipo por país.

Los detalles con respecto a los costos generales de toda la competencia lo recibirá próximamente o los puede encontrar en nuestra página Web:

Sin duda esta competencia se convertirá en un hecho histórico para el mundo del Taekwon-Do I.T.F. ya que en dicha oportunidad a parte de la competencia realizaremos el primer encuentro para la formación de la Federación Sudamericana de Taekwon-Do I.T.F.

Como siempre un nuevo desafió hará que trabajemos con la responsabilidad y seriedad que nos caracteriza para lograr que este torneo se convierta en una verdadera fiesta deportiva.

Desde ya y por adelantado les doy la bienvenida al Primer Campeonato Sudamericano.

Les mando un abrazo y hasta el próximo contacto.

Suyo en Taekwon-Do

 Master Néstor Galarraga

Chairman Tournament Commitee I.T.F.

August 22, 2003

The International Taekwon-Do Federation Master’s Class DVD Series© Begins Filming next month in Calgary, AB Canada.

The ITF Master’s Class DVD Series© will begin production next month in Calgary, AB. Master Choi, Jung Hwa, President of the ITF will be overseeing all filming as well as providing instructional commentary and video of all 24 patterns, as well as many other exciting features. The ITF Master’s Class DVD Series© will feature many aspects of ITF Taekwon-Do aimed at becoming the ultimate learning tool for today’s Taekwon-Do practitioner. As production continues we plan to post images and up to date information on the upcoming product here at ITF Online. The development of this product is an exciting step for the ITF as the first ITF developed multimedia learning tool. Check back regularly for up to date developments in the production.

August 20, 2003

The ITF would like to congratulate Daejeon City, South Korea on winning the Bid to host the 2004 World Championships to be held on September 24, 25, & 26, 2004.

August 20, 2003

Please see below for our very first Instructor Profile. Our featured Instructor is Mr. Michael Munyon IVth Dan

Mr. Michael Munyon is currently the USITF Armed Forces Representative. He is a Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force and works as a member of the Keesler Air Force Base Security Forces. He’s been training in various martial arts since 1978/79. Mr. Munyon joined the ITF in 1999 under the supervision of Master Robert Wheatley, president of the USITF.

Mr. Munyon has been in the Air Force since 1992 and has trained and taught Tae Kwon Do in the state of Michigan, Montana, Nevada, California, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and South Korea. Currently he hold the rank of IV dan and hopes to test for his V dan next year. Due to his affiliation with the military, Mr. Munyon aids security forces members with officer safety and defensive tactics by utilizing various ho sin sul techniques taught in tae kwon do. Mr. Munyon’s future plans consist of retiring from the Air Force and aid in the spreading of ITF Tae Kwon Do around the world.

As the USITF Armed Forces Representative, Mr. Munyon assists military members to locate ITF affiliated dojangs all around the world, assist ITF black belts in opening schools, clubs, seminars, and tournaments on military installations, aids instructors in obtaining whole sale accounts with martial arts distributors, and offers his assistance in promoting ITF tae kwon do.

Mr. Michael Munyon’s E-mail account is [email protected]

August 18, 2003

Important Notice from the International Taekwon-Do Federation in regards to all potential 4th Dan and up Candidates.

All eligible candidates who wish to grade for the rank of 4th Degree and higher are required to have all appropriate paper work consisting of an application for degree and thesis submitted and approved by ITF Headquarters no later than 2 months prior to the proposed grading date.

August 18, 2003

Please see below for an informative Report on the recent General Choi, His Art and Philosophy Seminar conducted by Dr. Zbigniew (Zibby) Kruk 5th Dan

On the 19th July 2003, a training workshop was held on the Gold Coast, Australia for students of various ITF Organizations.  Dr Zibby Kruk (5th Dan ITF) was invited to conduct the workshop by the event organizer Mr Steven Luxmoore (4th Dan) of the Chosun ITF Taekwon-Do Organization.

Dr Kruk’s workshop, entitled “General Choi, His Art and Philosophy”, covered a range of topics including the life of General Choi, Fundamental Movements, Step Sparring and Sports Sparring.  Approximately 30 participants took part in the 4 hour workshop (ranging in grade from 10th Gup to 4th Dan), with all being extremely impressed with the teaching style, friendly nature and outstanding level of ability and knowledge demonstrated by Dr Kruk.

Feedback received from both participants and onlookers alike, suggests that the content of the workshop was very well received and that all would be enthusiastic in inviting Dr Kruk back to the Gold Coast for similar workshops in the future.

Steven Luxmoore

4th Dan ITF

Chief Instructor – Chosun ITF Taekwon-Do

See Below For Photos of the Event

August 12, 2003

2004 ITF World Championships Update

The 2004 ITF World Championships will be hosted in South Korea on October 14 – 19, 2004

More information to follow.

August 11, 2003

Please see below for photos of the recent 6º Torneo Bonaerense. The event was a tremendous success with over 700 competitors from Chile, Peru and Argentina

August 10, 2003

Please see below for a letter regarding the Master Choi, Jung Hwa Upcoming South American Tour from Master Galaraga. At the bottom of the letter is a poster for the upcoming event.

Dear Masters & Instructor

The Taekwon-Do Association of Argentina is now preparing for the South American tour of ITF President, Master Choi, Jung Hwa. Venues will include Peru, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Argentina.

We continue to follow our agenda of placing our energy into training. It is our belief that training is our most valuable tool while passing through this critical point in the history of Taekwon-Do.

Master Choi’s visit will certainly renew our energy and rekindle our desire while providing guidance through his experience and wisdom. Taekwon-Do finds itself at a pivotal point in its history, there is no doubt that the only solution is full and complete reunification. Those who crave nothing more than power, prestige or material gain have thrust Taekwon-Do into a downward spiral.

It is for these reasons that we believe the road to our salvation must be found in the Dojang. We must become Masters, Instructors….Martial Artists. Only in depth knowledge of the art will separate the real practitioners from those who look at Taekwon-Do as a vehicle to pursue their own selfish desires.

This is the moment of contemplation, this is the moment to learn. An opportunity to train with the one remaining Master of the legendary Choi family. There may be many great Instructors in the world however there is only one true son of  Taekwon-Do.

So the appointment is in CUBA Club (Palermo), located in Belisario Roldán 4950 Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Saturday – September 6th 15 hs

Sunday – September 7th 15 hs

Testing for 4th Degree in above: Monday – September 8th 18 hs

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Saturday – September 14th 

Sunday – September 15th 



Master Choi would also like to make note of the seminar assistants who have accompanied him in the past. Mr. Steven Legrow who assisted Master Choi, on his Germany Seminar Trip. Mr. Mike Morningstar, Mr. Chris Reid, and Mr. Pharm Rai, all of whom have assisted Master Choi many times. Master Choi will be assisted by Mr. Chris Howes on the South American tour. The ITF is proud to provide this fantastic opportunity to its instructors.

August 9, 2003

Please see below for an report on the recent 4th Taekwon-Do International Championships held in Eschwege, Germany

As a product of months of intense preparations, the 4th annual & invitational Taekwon-Do Invitational Championship held in Eschwege, Germany on 12 July was wonderfully executed.  All facets of the actual event organization previously had been thoroughly rehearsed by its veteran organization team.  The championship was hosted by Taekwon-Do Central, which is led by Robert Borja, 4th Degree in Taekwon-Do.

Of the invited countries, four were able to submit applications on time. There were 170 starts in the disciplines of individual Tuls, team Tuls, BoRja & individual sparring..

The youngest competitor was a 7 year-old  half-Hawaiian long pony-tailed girl from the USA.  She captured the spectators’ hearts with her great performances in both individual & team Tuls and in BoRja.

Competition was especially fierce and spectacular in team Tuls. Germany won gold and bronze. The USA won bronze.  Six teams competed.  Winning teams did have to decide who would bring the team trophy home as each member received a beautifully crafted individual trophy. 

The most exciting and stressful competition was in BoRja.  Competitors ranged from age 7 to 45.  This competition premiered last year after three years in the design process.  BoRja allows for both age and height differences and is based on speed, endurance, timing, accuracy and mental concentration & agility. As of yet, this competion is only found at the Taekwon-Do International Championship-series.

In all competitions all winners received a professionally designed, multi-color certificate.  As well, those who did not win a trophy, but competition experience, received a certificate.

The most winning competitor was Taekwon-Do Central’s 14 year-old Catherine Liese with 3 gold and 1 silver.

As credit to highly trained referees and strictly enforced rules, there was no injury despite exciting exchanges of techniques in the sparring matches. Indeed, this championship’s success was measured in the absence of injuries.

A Wing Tzun team provided a demonstration during the lunch break. The leader of Taekwon-Do Central, 4th Degree Robert Borja, demonstrated self-defense techniques in knife situations and then proceeded in breaking 11 roof tiles with an open hand downward strike. He then  followed-up by punching to pieces a roof tile thrown into the air.  

The primary purpose for the annual invitation championship is to provide a quality competition atmosphere in which Taekwon-Do students from beginners to 3rd Degree Black Belts in Taekwon-Do Central could measure themselves on an international stage. Secondary purpose is for its members to put into practice competition organization and management.  The third purpose is to broaden the competition BoRja.

Photos of this year’s championship and details of BoRja can be found at:  Photos will be posted by 10 August.

The next Taekwon-Do International Championship will be 10 July 2004.  Applications for invitations are already being processed.  Fully aware of costs and preparation time for peak performance, the organizer encourages prospective competitors to compare value with other competitions in the next 12 months